This week Thursday April 16 Pluto changes directions from Direct to Retrograde.
That means the energy of Pluto will permeate our energy fields and consciousness. Pluto, God of the Underworld governs the part of the transformational cycle that inte
This week Thursday April 16 Pluto changes directions from Direct to Retrograde.
That means the energy of Pluto will permeate our energy fields and consciousness. Pluto, God of the Underworld governs the part of the transformational cycle that inte
Dear friends,
The ‘journey of the Grove’ began when we moved house early last year, and a long-dormant channel into Gaia’s heart grid, located in the garden here, started to activate. I’ve spoken of various stages of this activation in bits and pieces
Feeling low on energy? Do you have acne problems? Well, if you visit your general physician for these health issues you will get a long list of medicines for vitamins and proteins. Optimal health is possible only when you have optimal energy. For any
To establish the truth, accuracy, validity, or genuineness of a sign it takes two things:
one alignment to your authentic, true soul nature
and two that the particular sign helps you in some way.
Scientists know that there are other realms which we cann
Dedicating to the Positives
Julie Miller
April 14, 2015
As you continue to move along your well-trodden path of life, have you truly, honestly and sincerely taken the time to contemplate what it is you truly believe it, or where you place yo
The Call
At this moment in time we are more and more consciously confronted by the reality of climate change, global pollution, acidification of the oceans, massive destruction of forests and wetlands and other natural habitat.
News Special Edition: Hawai’i Holds Their Independence
April 15, 2015 By Gavin Harrill
Politics & Ownership: Update… Hawai’i continues their stance that they are their own government!
This story gets more exciting each week as piece after piece unravel
Intentions help us gain clarity. They are tools for maintaining balance and order, tools to help you connect with the spiritual being within and maintain a sense of peace and clarity amid the external chaos and noise.
Setting an intention or two each
An airline passenger recently captured footage of strange UFO orbs over Atlanta, Georgia, USA. What do you think they are?
Dr. Angela Barnett You may have heard an Ascended Master or another Entity of Light state that we need to increase the rate of spin of our el
Dr. Angela Barnett (c) 2014
Please note you are welcome to share this article or any written work from this or to post anything from this work in other forums; however, please do so with the following gu
Dr. Angela Barnett
The Guardians of our Universe announced that the energy needed for our transformation would be sent from the Sun through s
The 5 steps to Accessing Higher Guidance
How to Reliably Open Your Channel to Divine Wisdom
A Free Online Seminar with Tim Kelley April 15, 2015
Here is the Link to Our last Show:
Diamonds Forever 31 Show.
People in the community are sharing that there's a good deal of Psychic Energy Depletion (psychic attack) going on in the field right now. My strong sense is that it's coming from (what Openhand calls) the 'raptor consciousness'. It is that denser vi
Julie Miller
April 12, 2015
Every once in a while your insensible, negative emotions: hate, fear, greed, mistrustfulness, timidity, frustrations, etc. literally runs your life to what many dear souls describe as
In an earlier series, I looked at what Archangel Michael said recently about this new phase of lightwork opening up. (1)
“It is time for that assumption of leadership responsibility to be front and center,” he said. “In order for the practical buildin
I travel a lot, and I meet the most well-intentioned, beautiful beings who are fighting against the injustices of the world. They stand for ending sexual violence against women, the destruction of Gaia, climate change, social inequality, and any numb
Blessings Beloved Light Tribe,
Thank you for your patience with my absence during the Gateway. Substantial shifts have occurred, the New Light level is dramatic, and it increases with each Divine breath. Beloveds, we have entered one of the most power
Greetings, I am Jesus Sananda, I am Yeshua. I am Yeshua, brother of magenta, brother of peridot; I will be whatever ray or color you desire. But I share my magenta of passion and compassion with each and every one of you this day. And I come this tim