The defining aspect of the Fifth Dimension is spirituality. Spirituality is a measure of goodness. One would wonder why the whole world would not gravitate towards and foster this element of deep connection to the Oneness and experience in return the
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Dolphins, The Chelas of the Seas
“Dolphins teach us that in attuning to the rhythms and patterns of nature, we can learn true communication with the wisdom of All That Is and share this wisdom with others.”
~Author Unknown
Whenever we come to the end of a major evolutionary cycle, usually every 5200
or 26,000 years, the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light make themselves known. They
are a collective group with diverse responsibilities and roles, including that of
guardians of E
Mother's Agenda
Recorded by Satprem, a disciple of the Mother, in the course of numerous personal conversations with her, is the complete logbook of her exploration in the cellular consciousness of the human body. It covers 23 years of experiences w
Healing Mother Earth
by VishwaAmara
Image Courtesy - Visionary-Artist-StoryTeller Saleena Kí aka Joan Ov’Art
Our Earth is the only planet in our solar system where Life exists. This beautiful planet which is a thriving ground for a multitude of life-fo
my friend said:
I was on my way back home from work, enjoying the rhythmic lullaby of the northbound D train as it embarks on it's 30 minute journey from Manhattan to the Bronx, when I came upon my usual point of wanting to nap for the remainder of the trip home. N
I AM a Spiritual Warrior
I AM A Spiritual Warrior
By Cheryl F. Batoon
Today I felt inspired to write about who I AM. I AM A Spiritual Warrior. What does this mean exactly? This means that I am a Champion for the Truth and a Warrior for Spiritual Fr
Fear is a by product of the mind. I have never been afraid of death, I have been afraid of life. My fear is giving way though. There is nothing like being true to my feelings, what ever they are. And there is nothing like following my heart w
Diversity of human life,alien life,life purpose,ascension is now,so acceptance is needed of who and what we are.
The reptilian creature featured on this video was, 'reported' to be real.
The music,
'Sunrise..Here I am,' from
The title "indigo children" was originally given to people with the ten attributes described below who were mainly born in the period from 1975 through 1995. Some sources use the term "crystal children" to describe indigos at a young age (younger t
by Astraelia, extracts from:
As a solution to the problem of the invasion of parts of this universe by a contingent of dark negative races c
My physical mother forwarded this to me today. I felt it would be a nice thing to share!
Truth Revealing Itself
> "A fool has no delight in understanding, but only that his heart will
> reveal itself." Proverbs 18:2
> I was recently in Florence Ita
This is a long posting but I could not reduce it without the possibility that it might not be understood completely. I believe that you will find it very interesting if you read to the end. What I am presenting here is a little involved but if you un
A Chat with the Boss
without a fixed home,
another one of these travelers.
Your strategy is obvious,
to somebody who understands war,
war that is faught not by fighting...
You're a tricky kind of a spy,
enacting your duality
without even noticing what you
This is a very interesting article on Earth Changes.
Earth Changes Part 1: The Cosmic Events
by VishwaAmara
Change is an inseparable part of life, the very fabric of Existence. We experience changes in every detail of our lives. While we label some as g
I think I understand why I was born a little brother.
I always wondered why my older brother never looked out for me. I mean, he was my older brother. He was supposed to take me under his wing and make me feel protected, especially since my father
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The administration has downplayed the importance of the text messages inadvertently sent to <em>The Atlantic</em>’s editor in chief.