A basic conclusion is provided at the end for the uninitiated. U.S. Congressman Hale Boggs was a dissenter of Louisiana Governor Huey P. Long. For those who do not know who he was, Huey P. Long was the politician known as "Kingfish," and he was about
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Nothing and no One can stop our final ascend out of the false Matrix simulation BACK TO HEAVEN ON EARTH NOW!
I am Sananda and I come to be with you at this time in this great time of transformation and yes, transfiguration that you are all moving through just as this meditation by the one who gave this meditation is bringing you to that nex
Lichtweltverlag .Beloved people,
in the love of GOD man is perfected and in the love of GOD the world is perfected. Everything is through the love of GOD and everything serves the love of GOD. Everything is connected in a unique way in the love of G
Speaker of the House Mike Johnson addressed students at Columbia University today and stated that “antisemitism is a virus” that is spreading, and has threatened to call out the National Guard to stop protesters.
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We are the Andromedan Council of Light, and we are very excited to be connecting with you in this way.
You are coming to a point in your consciousness evolution where you are beginning to realize that you are not so separate after all. Now,
Full Moon for Washington D.C. is April 23, 2024, 7:50 pm. This Full Moon will be intense; the Moon will be in Conjunction with the Ascendant (or eastern horizon point [and the "rising sign" is Scorpio]). A T-Square involving the Full Moon with Pluto
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I’ve been paying attention to shifts in the collective since the solar eclipse on April 8th.? What I have been seeing is a lot of very deep things have been coming up in the collective that is beyond our current memory. Most of what is cle
Source.... Beloved Ones,
As ascending souls our template is uniquely designed to assist planet Earth, in the way we chose and are divinely guided.
As starseeded souls the majority of you came with an already activated sixth or seventh-dimensional tem
Connecting with you on the other side of the new energies of this eclipse. This was one of the most powerful energy Eclipse I have ever experienced and still feeling the effects in my life.
We are currently experiencing the most powerful
We may be getting a clearer picture of what the “we’re going down this weekend” might involve. And it’s only Thursday Urgent Alert: Space Force Flexed on Deep State Showing they can/will Shut Ph
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The corporate theater of the absurd that passes off as news in the West reached a new low with the so-called Iranian attack on Israel that was “99% stopped” by Israel. The Israeli cabinet then issued a photograph and video with bottles of Coc
To repeat, knowledge of the Uranian Astrology planets and knowledge of use of the 90 Degree Dial are required for this lesson. Personal Points (As, Mc, Moon, Sun, North Node, and Aries Point) get primary consideration for analysis of symmetrical poin
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The collective subconscious has shifted after many years of release and clearing. This changes our collective creation abilities, supporting new Source-informed unified creation which honors the higher trajectory and benefits the whole.
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The administration has downplayed the importance of the text messages inadvertently sent to <em>The Atlantic</em>’s editor in chief.