In the dreaming of it, you are creating it. - Michael channeled by Ron Head May 31, 2012
Veröffentlicht am Mai 31, 2012
All Posts (460)
Veröffentlicht am Mai 24, 2012
Dear Ones,
We come with very important news that we wish to share. The alignment of your belove
Chanelled by Aruna
Asc.Master S.Germain
Inner Awareness is the Only Way
The children of God need more awareness. Not about God's creation or about any
of the things my messages address. More awareness is needed about the way they can discover the heart
Please concentrate your mind on your attitudes. Observe their way of defeating
the choices your heart desires. Make awareness the way out of this dilemma.
Choose the way of the heart always, not the mind's editing of these desir
Just check out these next links and watch them from your relaxed chair
these links are from and about Steven Greer, a wonderfull person who has put his fears aside and is about to play an important role in the future of our dear mother earth
he's wil
I am that I am.... That is all I need to know, It covers everything! In this Human experience I have had the opportunity to experience everything I am not. I have been a victim, helpless, rebellious, a liar, a cheater, a thief, a covetor, jealous, a
The Meaning of Occupy Bilderberg: The Elevation of The Shadow Into Public Consciousness
Saman Mohammadi
May 31, 2012
“What a difference a year makes. Occupy Bilderberg? I love it. The Occupy movement seems finally to have realised that t
Agenda 21 To Be Discussed at Bilderberg Confab
Global warming alarmist Redford to attend elite conference
Paul Joseph Watson
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
The attendance of Alberta Premier and global warming alarmist Alison Redford at this yea
I was soul traveling last night again and this time i found myselfe in a harbour. It was almost sunset when I got there. The sun did not seem to strong and bright aighter even if you could see the sun...and it was not to hot there aighter something a
What do you do with a fearful situation over which you feel you have little control? Such as if a very large lion was to sidle up close to you.
If such a thing occurred it would be unwise to be aggressive. Yelling would raise its interest and ire thus
Have you found your opinion causing turmoil and dissentions this is for those who constantly argue and act like immature children who have to be right get over yourself and become humble and SILENT for a change let your opinion stick only in your gra
Wow, life can be such a struggle sometimes. I've spent so much time fighting against the illusion that I feel like I've missed out on a lot of my life. Then I look at what IS in my life and THAT is something that cannot be missed. The Love that surro
Thousands of wealthy earners manage to zero out tax bills
More than 35,000 people who had income of more than $200,000 in 2009 paid no federal income taxes that year, according to a new report from the Internal Revenue Service.
The non-t
Ek Ong Kar
One Creator, Creation
Sat Nam
Truth is God's Name
Kartaa Purkh
Doer of everything
Akaal Moorat
Self Illumined
Gur Prasaad
It is by Guru's Grace
Repeat and
Bring down the system once and for all and stop paying your credit cards - they can't do anything to the whole planet and the system will colapse.
I don’t usually do this, but… PLEIADIAN MESSAGE FROM PETER: SHUT THEM DOWN !
Greetings to our ground crew
Goddess, the Divine Feminine
Reposted from The Awakening Website
Venus - Goddess of Love
In Astronomy, an eclipse occurs whenever an astronomic
Greetings ALL:
As a light worker, I have had the good and the challenging only moving me further ahead into the NOW. The meditations this month were very powerful. The messages are intense and a beautiful gateway is opening soon.
Blessings from the A