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WHAT DOES IN MEAN TO BE A CONSCIOUS CREATOR?By Sarah BiermannWhat does it mean to be a “Conscious Creator”? What most people imagineis that we will be able to use our conscious mind in a way that hasn’tworked before. Suddenly our affirmations will be
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Special message from Kuthumi

Special Message from Kuthumia message from Kuthumi channeled by Michelle EloffSunday, 26 April, 2009 at South Africa (posted 13 May, 2009)125 views, no comments - login or register to comment-----------------------------------------------------------
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We Can't Keep On Lying

We can't lieto ourselvesany more.We can't hide the painthat we've carriedfor so long.We can't afford to denyour real feelings,we can't let this gountil tomorrow.We can't live at surface,we can't be untruefor another minuteor we allwill go mad.We must
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Helping Friends Feel Better

When the people you loveare feeling down,there are waysyou can helpto lift them up:Firstly,don't ever acknowledge their sadness,to go in it with themonly gives it powerand doesn't help themfeelthey are not alone.Treat them as ifthey ought not feel ba
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Los portales energeticos son centros de energía que se conectan con el cuerpo sagrado de la Madre Tierra. Hay momentos en que se eleva el fluir de la fuerza de la Luz cósmica que se desprende de ellos y cuya actividad se vierte sobre nuestras concien
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El hombre como instrumento creador

Todos los hombres pueden ahora pasar por la puerta a la Fuente para ahí, además de guía e inspiración, también absorber la fuerza creadora. De esta forma todos los hombres pueden avivar la fuerza creadora y enviarla a situaciones alrededor de ellos q
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Union of the God and the Goddess

By Kate A. SpreckleySome of the shifts happening within our planet, are releasing ancient knowledge from the time of Atlantis and Lumeria. This knowledge is available for access, learning, healing and releasing.Lightworkers have chosen to release and
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Purification – May 2009

By Kate Ann Spreckley`Come out of the circle of time and into the circle of Love'RumiAs channels of creativity, our daily deeds express our reality and demonstrate our truth. We each hold within our being a portal of energy that is connected to the e
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SaLuSa 11-May-2009

You are still experiencing the outfall of the financial breakdown. It is not as easy as some think to overcome the damage it has done worldwide. Attempts are being made to restore the old system that has no future, as major changes are required to br
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SURF REPORT FOR MAY 2009For the past month, we have been standing at the Crossroads. This is a powerful transition zone which signifies that we have reached the end of the old road of duality. The Crossroads are our initiation into becoming a True On
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May 12, 2009Body BalanceMasculine and Feminine Sides of the BodyIf you look in the mirror and view your profile from each side, you may notice that the two sides of your face are slightly different from one another. Additionally, your left hand is si
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Kuthumi and Archangel Metatron

May 12, 2009Kuthumi and Archangel MetatronBeloved Ones,We come to you this day to speak to you about a most important consideration for you, the Lightworkers. At this time there is much that is changing within the world, within all its institutions,
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Lord Buddha - A Significant Breakthrough

May 11, 2009Lord Buddha – A Significant BreakthroughMost Beloved Lightworkers,I come through this day in honor of you who have been working so diligently and so earnestly to anchor the Light into the Earth and to bring it into the Earth. You have bee
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We Are Forever

The nature of what we arecan never be hurt,can not be killed,bruised,twisted,or cut.Inside of every onewho has seen what they areis this placeof unwavering strength,peace,and powerwhich can never be destroyed:Though we can break a rockinto infinite p
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There Is The Divine

When my heart was deadyou brought life back.When I had fallen back to sleep,just at that moment,you woke me up,so gently.When I forgot pure loveyou reminded me,just by being adoration,by kissing me softlyin my dreams.You are my oldestand dearest frie
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rev.joshua skirvin posted a blog post
 Greetings to you beloved love beacons upon the earth, I am Master Sananda. I am the higher aspect of Master Yeshua- ( Jesus ). I come forth with unconditional love. When unconditional love is present, the true love of the Creator is also present,…
6 hours ago
Love & Joy posted a discussion
    ...Mother Divine's Blessings Across Time By Melanie Beckler Blessings beautiful soul, As we move through the powerful energies of spring, I feel inspired this morning to share with you about a sacred celebration that begins today — honoring…
7 hours ago
David posted a blog post
                                                                                                 Chapter XIX                                                                                          Initiation Initiation is your very life. If you…
15 hours ago
rev.joshua skirvin posted a blog post
 Earth is reverberating from having received shock waves on yesterday as “She” moved through a “Co-Interaction Region” (CIR).Radiation has intensified tremendously, and the auroras visible around the world are signs of this because auroras —…
rev.joshua skirvin posted a blog post
 Beloved Ones,We are witnessing the beginning of the end. The end of an Old Era, represented by Piscean energies. The end of the soul and mental slavery in which many have been submitted since humanity exists. The end of the old us, the end of an…
rev.joshua skirvin posted a blog post
 We are the Andromedan Council of Light, and we are very excited to be connecting with you.You are doing wonderfully well, no matter where you are on the planet right now, no matter how it seems like you are doing there in your lives. You are living…