Tomari shutdown leaves Japan without nuclear power

The Dalai Lama said, “The world will be saved by the Western woman”. He’s referencing in part the fact that a new feminism is on the rise.
This new feminism power stands on the shoulders of the achievements made by woman over the past century.
The fi
Over the centuries the elites have learned to enlist the willingness of both the young and their families...Today however, their frantic need to ignite a massive conflict has resulted in their making no effort at all to secure the approval of the pop
We know you are wondering why you are being subjected to so many tests and negative situations. We tell you, brave Souls, you are in the midst of an intense initiation/transformation process...You are deep in the midst of discovering a truth that has
Welcome Dearest Beloved!
Are you weary?
Need a boost from Divine Mother?
Please feel free to share this Loving Comfort with anyone you like.
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Heal yourself first then share the love!
Not long after giving birth to my son, I received my first visit from Mother Mary. She arrived on a sunny day in May, signaling the end of my spiritual slumber and the beginning of my quest to “find myself again“. That morning, one of my friends
in Ron's Channeled Messages
This morning we will speak of the progress being made, which you so eagerly await. Many envision a huge, almost cataclysmic occurrence. But the most powerful energy of manifestation on your planet right now has become t
in Ron's Channeled Messages
Our topic today will be the willingness of your societies to sacrifice the lives of your young ones to accomplish the goals of the elites. Long years ago, young men were forced to serve in armies to keep themselves and
Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, copyright ©2012
Dearest ones,
we are the Arcturians!
It is now high time to prepare, to prepare for the multi-layered process of shifting on all levels of your reality. Yes, all shifts always start on the level of thoug
For some souls who have only just awakened, their reality has been shattered and for a while they will cling to what they believed to be the truth. It is important that they realize that the com
You are die hard slaves of an uncreated master By CM, channel NOT given May 28, 2012 - 11:49:40 PM
We have long known what the problem is and we have long known who the problem is. You are die hard slaves of an uncreated master and now the weight
“Once a year in the early summer there is a special Ekadasi known as the Pandava-nirjala Ekadasi or Bhima Ekadasi. Back in the days of the Mahabharata, five thousand years ago, Arjuna’s elder brother Bhima had great difficulty fasting. (In those days
Many in your country remember when there were laws governing the maximum amount of interest that could be charged. Anything higher was called usury. Today’s charges often exceed twice those allowable amounts...You are told that such high rates are ne
All is on schedule for your grand awakening, and ever larger numbers of you are beginning to get a sense of the great changes that will shortly be put into effect...To awaken is something you have longed to do, even though mostly you have been unable
You are, as you well know deep within yourselves, highly evolved beings of Light, just as God created you, and nothing can ever change that...due to your ongoing choice to be unaware of anything that cannot be perceived by your bodily senses....But w
The Truth About what is Occurring to the Human species presently as they Mutate into a New Race..
Enjoy & Make Viral All!!
Tolec was interviewed on WolfSpiritRadio in this two hour conversation. In a recent interview, Bill Wood made a great analogy that is similar to Tolec's message, comparing the upcoming months to a ch
The Special Relativity of turning the other cheek to the “world @ Large.”
vs. being a member of a group.
I am a Member of Ashtar command. Now, to me, that doesn’t make me better or worse than the “world at Large. Yet, it does imply certain “trut