You will discover that, in actual fact, only a small fragment of who you are is here playing this game of imagined separateness...You sent yourselves here to have experiences and learn the ‘what ifs’ of separation...Those who have completed their lea
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Energy with its Infinite range and nature of Vibratory Frequency is an integral component of the Infinite Continuum of the Universe, manifesting in Infinite ways.
Our very Spiritual Nature, Evolution and Well-Being at all levels is a function of Vibra
MONDAY, MAY 21, 2012
The Bilocation of Hillary Clone-Clinton
Alcuin Bramerton Twitter
Today I have been listening to some music from the late 80´s and middle of 90´s and I realy have to if they could make music at that time...Todays music do not fancy me so much...only few are good to listen to but most of them are just pure
May 17, 2012 - Judge Blocks NDAA Indefinite Detention Provision. “[NDAA Sections 1021 and 1022] have a chilling impact on First Amendment rights. ...The vagueness of Section 1021 does not allow the average citizen, or even the government itself, to u
Here You are again,
gentle green Goddess giving
tender blue and purple love,
no sign of apprehension.
I can never help but see Her
in Your thinly veiled eye,
this essence hidden from all
but those who recognize that lamp
dimly shining in the window at home.
Thích Nhất Hạnh ( listen; born October 11, 1926) is a Vietnamese Buddhist monk, teacher, author, poet and peace activist who now lives in France where he was in exile for many years. Born Nguyễn Xuân Bảo, Thích Nhất Hạnh joined a Zen (Vietnamese: Thi
When we comment on things, it means this will occur when all continues as it is now...Now there are more obstacles to clearing your damaged continents...the main one being the negative attitudes that would disqualify many from moving towards the Gal
MAY 21, 2012
Dear ones, we come again to remind you of the many changes you are about to see and are now seeing upon your planet. Changes are now taking place within the hearts of many who before this time seemed oblivious, allowing them for the fi
El Morya: Blessings! It is I; El Morya. It is lovely to speak yet again, for I so do enjoy our little tête-à-têtes. It is surprising how many who claim to be spiritual, do not seek to question, or ponder the ways of life, and yet…. at the foundationa
The quality of humility is necessary for mastery and allows your humanity to ascend into its divinity. It is by being humble that you allow your soul's voice to guide your life journey and enable the Source connection that is necessary to move beyond
Metatron says . . .
All of the angels are manning their charges to encourage ascension. Can we do more? No, you have choice, we don't interfere. Want to ascend? Clear your mind of its negative attitudes and love others as angels ho came to deliver yo
chanelled by Aruna
Master S.Germain
What's Next?It's a Waitand See Game
Please continue to live your livesas masters of light. We do not deny that what we may forsee in future days may not turn out to beaccurate. When we comment on things, it mean
Allow your new consciousness to bring concepts of yourselves to your awareness that you have not allowed to surface for many lifetimes...Allow your minds to understand that there is truly no limit to the extent of your energetic fields...Draw in this
LIVE like there is no tomorrow SING as if no one can hear LOVE like you have never been hurt DANCE as if no one is watching LAUGH like no one is listening..mutch love and powerfulll energy of light ♥