The Federal Reserve will have the transiting planet Neptune in Conjunction (within one degree) with it's Midheaven (Mc) placement this summer. This is a major transit, and it strongly suggests some very difficult decisions are going to be made this s
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As we journey together through the cosmos, let us remember the power of unity and inner light. Each of us carries a spark of the divine, a unique essence contributing to the greater whole. In these transformative times, let us rekindle our connection
By Benjamin Fulford | Source
Lawyers and bankers are drawing up documents for a new international system that will be phased in starting this autumn and going into 2025. This work is necessary because, if the details are not worked out properly, huge
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Blessings Beloveds ~
There are a myriad of reactions, upgrades, changes, and experiences that come with powerful plasma influxes and exposure to cosmic rays like we had last weekend.
Sustained, multi-day KP 8 + geomagnetic storms are a gift: t
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“You must be born again to enter the kingdom of God.”
I am Jesus Christ and my love accompanies you wherever you are.
Now let’s turn to this topic.
What does it mean to be born again and what does that mean?
To be reborn means to find your way ba
Photo above courtesy of Astrology King. The star of Scheat is currently located at 29 degrees Pisces 42 minutes. Neptune is in the process of completing the transit of it's ruling 12th House sign of Pisces (and entering the first house sign of Aries)
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We bring this message to you, awakened soul, so you can spread it further among many others. The time has come to move on and leave behind the 3D Matrix along with its programming.
You live in a holographic reality that you create each moment
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Take it as you want to take it, in whatever way that keeps you feeling good. See it as an illusion, a dream, a VR game, so that no matter what is happening, you remind yourself that in essence, nothing is happening to me, that this is just a
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WE ARE THE ARCTURIANS and we know you. We have connected with you in other ways when you open your field to higher light and we are happy and honored for this opportunity to connect now.
You are awakening more deeply to the Truth of YOUR Bein
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Welcome dear seekers and readers.
The world has become an intense and frightening place for many. As the flow of high frequency energy expands it is serving to expose and manifest dense energies that have long been simply ignored or covered up
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We are here now....We love you.
Beloved One, you are making great progress on your Ascension path and each moment offers a new opportunity to create a new reality.
Often times, the third dimensional Illusion Matrix occupies the majority of hum
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Beloved Ones,
The current planetary energies that we are consciously embodying are nothing like we have ever experienced before on our planet.
A cosmic blessing and response from our Aurora family to the shift that is taking place in many of u
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Blessings Beloveds~
There are a myriad of reactions, upgrades, changes, and experiences that come with powerful plasma influxes and exposure to cosmic rays like we had last weekend.
Sustained, multi-day KP 8 + geomagnetic storms are a gift: th
By Benjamin Fulford | Source
The white hat victory in the battle for the planet Earth is now becoming obvious in multiple ways. For example, as Reuters reports: “Talks to draw up a global pact to help fight future pandemics have ended without a draft
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We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very pleased to give you this progress report, as we know how important it is for you all to understand that you are still moving in the right direction. It is ve
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There are profound and intense energies happening at this time. Do not ask for any upgrades or downloads to your dimensional field of light or you may find yourself in a time axis shift (one minute it is now the next minute you are into the
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These massive solar flares etc. are a huge blessing as they are expanding our consciousness levels in ways we will only fully realize the extent of, in a few months’ time.
With the full extent of the whole pyramids and crystalline energy cent
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Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are letting ourselves focus on only the most positive futures for humanity, and we suggest you all do the same. What we have noticed about focusing on the
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The administration has downplayed the importance of the text messages inadvertently sent to <em>The Atlantic</em>’s editor in chief.