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Guest Writer for Wake Up World
Nature has sent us a warning. We have to change our life and our world and now. Our life has ground to a halt by Covid-19, {Plandemic} it has been cruel and a tragedy for so many, but for mankind as a whole it could be t
This is a most sobering video, and a must see! We need to wise up, and not fall for Hollywoods version, or text book version of history, (which is written from the view of the victor).
Please, please listen to this!
Chapter 84
Of the glory of the twenty-four Invisibles.
And Jesus answered and said to Mary: "Wh
(Conscious Optimist) Digital Soldiers,
We have been selected to help serve our country. Q has laid down the plan for all to see, and us Anons — and every concerned citizen of every stripe — now must decide whether to take up our marching orders, or re
Conversation with commander Ashtar in my regression-session June 2020
The commander appeared and I expressed my deep respect for him.
Me: what happens in the world right now, what´s going on actually?
C.A: The purpose of this virus is transformation of
In order to improve the strength and appearance of the spirit is necessary to cultivate the energies around, inside the body. By taking care of the spirit, the health is improved and the lifestyle as well. A healthy spirit brings a lot of creativity, 300w" sizes="(max-width: 600px) 100vw, 600px" width="600" height="350" />
Radical anarchists lovingly call their new kingdom “CHAZ.” Benny Johnson from Turnin 300w, 768w
AWK News 6.24.20: BLM exposed. Treason Announced. Knowledge is Power. Adapt. Overcome.
Not everything I receive translates well from email to blog, but here goes...
Subject: Make this go VIRAL
Date: June 7, 2020 at 2:42:38 PM C
Eric Stacy (FB Post):
Many of us are unware that we have the POWER to manifest our reality... No this is not a theory, it's a universal law which makes it our birth given right...The only exception I make to this rule is karma... If karma is restricting you from getting w
Chapter 82
And it happened then, when Jesus had finished saying these words, that Philip came forward and said: "Jesus, my Lord, my thoughts ar
The Great Invocation is a gift to us from the divine consciousness through Lord Maitreya (the Christ). Released to humanity in the year 1945, it's intended to be used by all religions/spiritual beliefs and cultures around the world. It is an affirmat
Dear Friends,
All love to you through the mid-year vibrational gateways of 2020! As the Earth, human collective and all life here continues traversing this year’s amplified Shift energies, love, compassion and unity consciousness can be seen rising to
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The administration has downplayed the importance of the text messages inadvertently sent to <em>The Atlantic</em>’s editor in chief.