I was told i am from alpha centauri. anbody else.... i am so lost on this planet.
All Posts (416)
DL Zeta
Navigating the fifth dimension requires a high level of awareness that paves the way for constant telepathic communication with your higher self. This spiritual telepathy is created by setting the intention to align with your higher
Dear Ground Crew,
The year 2013 is now half over so it is a time of reflection. Where have we been and where are we going? What do we want in our lives and how do we want our planet? Whatever happened to the first six months of this year can seem blu
We are the angelic legions of the Divine Mother. We come forth today on this beautiful summer day in the northern latitudes (at least in Washington State!) to offer heart to heart communication to our sisters and brothers on the ground.
Dearest ones,
Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2013
VIDEO (recommended!)
Your Mother Gaia is proudly and happily watching you, my children, regaining what you once lost! Even more, you are growing beyond what once you have been! Some of you a
SekhmetCLR2a“Each and every Being who resides within the Human vessel is in possession of the strength to be whoever and whatever he or she wishes to be.
This strength is gifted to you from the very highest level of our Being, from Source Creator, fro
The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild
July 14, 2013
Blossom: Good morning my friends. Ok … I have a little quandary here that I am hoping you may be able to sort out and therefore decide which way we need to go. I have many write in t
The manuscript of survival – part 336 . July 14, 2013
The tides have turned, and once again so much flotsam and jetsam is being churned up in its wake. This will not be news to any of you, and this will not come as a surprise eit
Come learn how to work at the quantum level. Connect to the particles of energy within trauma, anger, anxiety, (or whatever blocks you) and shift their vibration to wisdom and wholeness. Take your skills to the next level and rewire your brain's neur
Is the Supernatural Terrifying? The Idea of a Shamanistic, Stormy Spiritual Path Is Too at Odds with Our Religious Anti-Body Culture to Be Easily Accepted
Posted on July 13, 2013 by sillymickel
Dear Friends,
Here is a Message from My Friend Tom Om.....
He has given all the details for our most of the Ascended Masters.....but you will have follow his links for your search...
Now Go ahead and find it out for yourself and if you want you can lear
How HELP From SPIRIT WORKS - Blog Post
On a beautiful sunny morning recently I'd paused to stare out to the ocean on my morning walk when my spirit tutors began to talk to me about the word ‘HELP’…
They spoke of how that tiny insignificant word mean
Yeshua and the Company of Heaven:
Greetings from afar, as they say, but really from not so far away, at least Now in your perception, as it has always been that we of the Celestial and Galactic Realms have been very close to you.
It is now your percept
~ Learning to Live Vibrationally ~
by CJ Martes
We exist in a world comprised of many different forms of stimuli. Our lives are filled with a myriad of different energies. When we a born to this planet, our perception of these energies is sometimes li
Greetings beloved brethren of Earth. The Agarthans are again coming to the fore with this most loving message. Once more we have a lot of news to share.
After our last message conveyed through this channeler describing a few Galactic civilizati
[Original language German, translated by (Contra)Mary]
My beloved humans on earth. I am back again in order to submit to you another message through this channel-medium. Much is happening these days and I seize this opportunity to comment something th