The battle is often between you and your ego, that can rule your life if you let it. It does itwith your permission, because it is you who has put that mindset into place. Onthis subject, let us finally tell you that if you live as a Being of Light y
All Posts (133)
Only the small secrets need to be protected; the Big ones are kept secret by public incredulity.
Marshal Mc Luhan.
This was sent to me this morning by a lady in Washington, its truth says it all. Thank you Betsy.
As people wake up from the state of igno
A profound understanding of the Dark Lord. Please enjoy!
Taken from Alloya's website.
Fallen Angel
To write the Lucifer story is a great honour for me for I feel great love in
To trace the origin of THE CHURCH OF LIGHT, recourse must be made to tradition. Pseudo-occultists and charlatans are only too ready toappropriate a name and use it to deceive the unwary. Hence a name andboasted lineage mean nothing in such matters. W
I was wrong
I was wrong when i hurt you
But did you have to hurt me too
Did you think revenge will make it better?
I don’t care about the past
I just want our love to last
There’s a way to bring us back together
I must forgive you
You must forgive me too
There is an energy and a power that is "letting" tiny little bits of information out, a tiny little bit at a time. "IT" needs to stop holding the flow back and FLOOD the world.
Beloved Ones,
As you look around you, the World as you have known it is rapidly changing. All that once seemed solid is now in the process of dissolution and transformation. This is bringing many of you great sadness and pain but also
July 2010
Healing Away Negative Patterns with the Angels by Doreen Virtue
This week, in response to my prayers, I received visions and messages about the mechanics of how our reoccurring thoughts manifest into reality. This is so exciting, because the
You are not lost. You are merely walking through the veils of mist that have clouded yourvision for so long. We say to you this: Once through these veils, once theyhave cleared, then never again shall you doubt. Never again shall you fall intothe wel
For a complete recovery, you will have to wait until we are officially invited to do so. We are working on that, and it must happenwith prior announcements from your President Obama.
We are with you all of the way, sharing our Love and Light with you
I have been asked to address this issue by many whereas I usually take a neutral position and share my own experience. Unfortunately the majority of those who are in the field of ufology have not risen to the occasion no
July 21, 2010
by Steve Beckow
1 Votes
From time to time, I may need to ask for your help with something. If so, I’ll use this format. If you can assist, that would be wonderful; if not, that’s also great. Only offer if you have the t
Update on the Gulf Situation By Christ Michael thru Candace Jul 21, 2010 - 7:10:05 AM |
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Update on the Gulf Situation
Christ Michael
Monday July 19th 2010
Hello beloveds this is Christ Michael and its time for a bit
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I am Mary Magdalene and I call from the bottom of my heart to the People of Earth to listen to my message that your world is about to change; that the earth is shifting out of an old energy field into a new o