Imagine being able to activate your dormant, “junk” DNA? In recent news, scientists and geneticists have discovered three and four strand DNA in human cells while some geneticists believe we may soon evolve to a 12 strand DNA.
To tho
Imagine being able to activate your dormant, “junk” DNA? In recent news, scientists and geneticists have discovered three and four strand DNA in human cells while some geneticists believe we may soon evolve to a 12 strand DNA.
To tho
From a collective perspective, we only need to watch the news to witness the violence and destruction entrenched positions can engender. And while it is extremely disturbing to truly take in just how cruel we are to our fellow humans and to our plane
There is only one messenger at a time that carries the Mantle of Messenger. But there are many other mantles, quite frankly millions of mantles, that people can receive, can earn, and can continue to live up to so that we can speak through them.
Bringing awareness to what’s really going on under the surface, can truly set people free. Because it’s only through consciousness, that we’re being effected. We’re being deliberately distracted from the seat of our power.
Our purpose is to help peopl
Only a human Being can make a miracle! Heavenly forces only interfere directly, where it is also allowed, under consideration of all divine laws, with the effect of karma included.
Lightworkers can perform miracles in the knowledge of All-That-Is and
2. Bhagavat & Jaiv Dharma say that only the most intelligent & non-crooked accept & chant Gauranga mantra from shastra as it's hidden like Gaur
3. Nitai & Bhaktivinod awakened a rock like me to preach Nityananda & Gauranga Nam openly & widely. I hope
And the Crow said: "
If it's ALL about "vibration" ( frequency )....
Well then, try this "vibe" on for size...."
Here comes the next wave.....
Greetings and Salutations:
The issues are secrecy, discretion, and there are other eyes who read these newsletters who attempt to thwart the process. We are watching the final pieces of all of this giant jigsaw puzzle get put together and t
We must become as little children. How we long for a return of that simple trust in life which children have. In their minds there are no doubts. They have not yet been told that they are sinners, destitute of Divine Guidance and spiritual life.
By Jim Tolles
Beliefs and belief systems offer us a broad way to interpret a lot of life experiences, feelings, and sensations and to generally make sense of things. They aren't inherently troublesome things. But by and large, beliefs aren't being use
Free Spirit, Guest
Waking Times
We have all heard the phrase “You are the Master of your own Destiny”. What this means inLaw of Attraction terms is that you create your reality and attract into your life circumstances that align to your current state
1. To the extent of your faith in Nitai, Gaur will accept you. And to the extent Gaur accepts you, the gopis will bring you to Radha Krishna. 2. It is futile to approach Radha Krishna without sufficient faith in Nitai Gaur. We can never attain Vraja
By DL Zeta,
Setting our Internal GPS for Timelines of the New Earth
We can begin amplifying our experience of the new
I've written several blog posts about Ascension Symptoms and whenever the Buddha Belly would come up I would always LOL about it and claim I've never experienced it nor knew anyone who had.
Sadly, all of that has now changed. Nearly 4
The Magical Money Bowl
Really interesting inforamation from the Ashtar Command!
Believe in spirit and soul and believe that we humans are capable of evolving into beings who can have love and truth as our guiding lights. This is absolutely necessary now and is part of the transformation into an Aquarian Age, part of the process