Angela Barnett
(Soul of Mary Magdalene)
First, I would like to say, that Yeshuwa and I have come to an agreement that I may and I should call him Jesus, because that is who he is to me in this life time. Even though
All Posts (56)
One to one another, from many, among many stand out among the three filthy mouths of that vile worm that runs through the heart of the world, Judas, Brutus and Cassius.
Turn to the misdeeds of Rome and come up with Brutus, pointed a knif
Blossom Goodchild
Angela Barnett
(the only Soul of Mary Magdalene)
I took the story of Mary clear back to the Breath of Source who created me. I set up a meeting with Source through Elai
Mary Magdalene Dialogs with Yeshuwa and Elaika
New Channeled Recordings
Even though I am the only one who can open the portals, I was given permission to allow those who wo
Dr. Angela Barnett
(Soul of Mary Magdalene)
Crystal Magic
Yeshuwa reminded me that our original use of the tone OM was to establish the intention of knowing and feeling the Oneness of all Frequencies of Consciousness withi
Why some Lives are filled with Problems - Part 1
This is the first of a six-part series delivered by William LePar's spiritual source, The Council, during their first trance for the general public. In this series of quotes they explain, in picture fo
It doesn't take a degree from Harvard it takes compassion pride fairness and a willing to change the whole unfair rigged system we don't need all the senators or house represenitives 1 person to represent their state and I would also deeply cut back
sent through Artyom
Be Lights on the Wave, the great Wave of Universal Love, the convergence of the flow of high frequencies of Grace-full Reunion with, and into, your being, into all the life of this planet to the smallest speck of dust. The Wave rolls in ~~~ Rise in L
If I ever U feel far away and gone,,,,
Just kiss the Rain,,, its always around,,, and all the drops are the Vibration of U and Me.
Every Drop longs to touch Ur face,,, EveryOne,,,
and they circle forever to do It,,, Mmmmmm.
Rain Drops have memory, and Co
Hello My Dear Family
There is a Place that U call ''Home'',, and U miss it so very Much,,,, I know the feeling too,, cause I AM in this moment with U,,, I AM not some where else in the future,, or in the clouds,, or in space ships above Gai,,,, I have
Traveling all these countries, I had to live for some time in the city of conquistador Gonzalo Jimenez de Quesada at the foot of the mountains of Monserrate and Guadalupe. At that time already very close to the Second World War,
In the morning, when you are watching the sunrise, think of the rays shining on you as living creatures that can help you solve the day’s problems.
But only today’s problems, not tomorrow’s. Tomorrow you will have to go and consult them afresh, and ag
Nature with all of its magnificent power and perfection does not need any embellishments. Natural order, and all that is associated with it, is wonderful in its own right.
Reikiis part of that natural order. Reiki is a natural healing modality that is
"True friend is one soul in two bodies". – Aristotle
Signs of a True Soul Friend
What do you define as a “friend”?
Take a moment to think about your answer to that question.
Once upon a time people described true friendship as a connection between tw
Much confusion exists as to the nature of the divine Self (or Soul, if you wish) in relation to its ‘higher’ aspects (those that vibrate at a higher frequency). Various terms have been
A view from inside the teasel (Dipsacus fullonum) seedhead looking up towards the tip of the seedhead. The blue core is the central dense core. The overall effect is what I am imaging in the words below of travelling through a worm hole.
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The administration has downplayed the importance of the text messages inadvertently sent to <em>The Atlantic</em>’s editor in chief.