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During the last months humanity, has gone thru a energyfield of dulging their inner souls. Many are still to come. So in the past days when the moon was high and the sunstorms is still going on. A new energyflow is pouring over us. Which can be sense
Dearest children, please do not be afraid, I know at this time the messages you are receiving are confusing you....Your earth will enter 5d, and a matrix of protection will be placed around 5d earth, so that the lower vibrations cannot enter....but y
The fabled announcements concerning the existence of extraterrestrial Life beyond your planet are to arrive at your television sets very soon, and these announcements will kick-start your glorius return to full consciousness
And soon clarity will fall upon you unlike any that you have witnessed or experienced upon this three-dimensional plane....let go of the rest of the ALL that no longer serves you and create the conscious doorway that sees you step forward into your
Seven Steps for
Entering Species Adulthood
by Lyssa Royal
For thousands of years mankind has been looking up at the sky, imagining the wonders of the heavens. During that time, we've developed an extraterrestrial mythology filled wi |
We hear about the sad things in the media like the riots in the uk, and yet through adversity we see how love shines...communities have come together by cleaning up the mess left behind. People have come together by helping those who have lost their
Starseeds Star Seeds
By Paul McCarthy
What are Star Seeds / Starseeds?
Star Seeds are beings that have experienced life elsewhere in the Universe on other planets and in non-physical dimensions other than on Earth. Star Seeds may also have had previou
Beloveds we are with you today to discuss the changes and the energy shifts that are going on at this particular point in time. Right now with the way the planets are lined up there's been very strong energy, very agitated energy and this will contin
The future of all channeled knowledge is here, and is within each of you. You are becoming your own clear channel. Because of this you can also now begin to download information from the Akashic Records....If someone asks you what your opinion is, do
-Xfire chat, ~ 4:30 PM CST
[16:31] javissariah: Say
[16:31] javissariah: I thought of a history
[16:31] javissariah: Kinda idly playin with it
[16:32] javissariah: There was a kingdom called Azerbithia
[16:32] javissariah: or osmeething liek that
[16:32] j
Your Reintegration Among us as a Galactic Civilization will Comprise a Return to your Purest and Highest State
August 15, 2011
Laura:Good evening SaLuSa. This is our first question:
“We’re living a tremendous time in which
What humanity seeks as the proof of the pudding is so animated that it actually has taken form and walks upon earth disguised in humanity and humility.
As re
Know that those humans who are deeply asleep work to help those awake hold more light within their very BEings, this would not be possible if it was not for those asleep and their actions, they are allowing those who are awake to fully expand and gr