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Re: -- I am In The US Navy Space Command And I Have Been To Elenin -- Ask Me A Question
I want to discuss the concept of darkness and light. A metaphor came to me the other day that will help me illustrate what I wish to say.
Imagine a cloudy day. It is rainin
The Fed is desperately trying to maintain their stronghold on society by continuously pumping money back into the stock market to create a false illusion that their ink paper is actually worth something.
Those in tune with vibrational change ca
Why is it the scare always has to do with SS, Medicare, & our Soldiers pay? Why not stop your pay,
your staff, or Congress and the Senate to save mor
On the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of the 11th year (according to your local time zone), every government, every politician, every warrior, and every human being will understand our message and comprehend our goal: Peace is declared.
Many of you live within family units when you are the only human BEing who is awake...We cannot guide strongly enough that this is real dear ones, YOU are not imagining the support, YOU are not imagining that ALL changes, this is what planet earth ha
There are lots of gifts to give,
and many lie within.
At times when there is touble,
and we dont know where to begin.
Some can lay their hands on,
some can give a smile.
But we can all make the effort,
to spend a little while to just talk or maybe listen,
what if i said we exist on multiple dimensions each one of us does.and each time you activated a strand of dna you sealed that personality in that dimension and once you sealed it, it becomes a archetype for you in that dimension.what if i said the w
Aton Speaks of What To Look For
By Jess Anthony
Aug 9, 2011 - 6:52:46 PM
It's difficult not to be impatient, although I don't know what will come. I ask for balance and acceptance for what I will be doing. I once again ask for guidance. I feel
Be aware of the pain that others are undergoing.
08/10/2011 by John Smallman
As you see civil disturbances occurring around the world, be aware that they are a part of the ongoing changes leading up to humanity’s awakening. Dissatisfaction with the
August 10, 2011
Hello once again. I've been rather busy ( as you probably would know). I 'get the urge' to say hello when I haven't been in touch for a while.
Yet for us dearest one, it is but from one moment to the next . The souls recognition of i
There has been much controversy over this subject of just who is “Sananda”( one with God ) .And is he really Jesus and how many Jesus's are there anyway? Where did he come from and how can he manifest in so many slightly differ
Hello all!
Has anyone been seeing blue sparks lately? because ever since I became more spiritual and started meditating Ive been seeing blue sparks or little orbs everywhere and they only appear for like a split second, could it be angels or fairies?
"...we do not evolve without taking risks. We will not progress if we don’t take a leap into unknown lands. What goes around will come around again....We (all those reading this) are so lucky that we have had time to prepare for this time."
You hold
The story so far:
In the beginning the Universe was created.
This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.
There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is
Have you noticed a change in your relationships with other people lately? Do you, at times, feel alone in your beliefs? Have you lost contact with any long time friends recently? You are not alone!
by Gregg Prescott, M.S.
Your period of limited consciousness is in a state of partial hibernation....has come to an end....The US is to be returned to a constitutional/common law precedent that promptly restores to you your full citizenship and launches your claim to comple