129w" sizes="(max-width: 267px) 100vw, 267px" />10th August 2018. Mike Quinsey.
You have s 129w" sizes="(max-width: 267px) 100vw, 267px" />10th August 2018. Mike Quinsey.
You have s
You are all loved beyond John Smallman |
As so many channels are telling you, humanity is moving collectively forward very rapidly toward the moment of awakening. And there are signs of th
Adama of Telos:
"Greetings, Beloved Ones.
We are most joyous to connect with you here, today, and we send you our utmost Love from the heart of Telos.
Dear Ones, we invite you to hold steadfast to your vision of wellbeing.
The planetary and cosmic alignm
Greetings all,
I've been away for quite some time, checking on my inbox I see it's been about 6 years or so since I've checked in. I've had my ups and downs since then, mostly exploring my own purpose of being here and going through what is known as t
Dear All,
Coming into the peak of the 2018 Lion’s Gate on August 8th (8-8, the vibration of the Double Infinity), inbetween the deep-reaching Lunar Eclipse of July 28th and the completion of this ‘Eclipse Trinity’ with a partial Solar Eclipse on Augus
VIDEO (recommended)
I am Andraphon from the dimensions of infinity, home of the true human being. I am the highest potential of the planes of the ultimate spirit. I am Andraphon and I sing the song of the perfect human being. I am singing abo
Shifting From Fear to Faith
Today we would like to focus your attention upon the nature of your holographic reality; one which appears to be so very real as it seemingly fabricates the challenges that you face and the obstacles that you must surmount.
The empathy that you already feel and that is already part of your life is the springboard that takes you into the higher vibration in which you will then move into a telepathic
Money Returns to Me Multiplied
We are drawing on the compassionate and timeless wisdom of The Gabriel Messages to provide insight and inspiration that we can apply every day of our lives.
For this week's issue, the message from Archangel Gabriel is off
I’m continuing with what I’m learning from loving myself.
I’m drawing love up from my heart and circulating it within an imaginary, egg-shaped container I think of myself as being in. I’m “filling my tank” with love, so to speak.
Only these a
The eternal Lady, the SOUL - SPIRIT (BUDDHI), always d
Welcome to you this fine morning. Somebody wrote in asking if you would talk to us about ‘Free will’. For you say, no one
Dwell In Joy and Change The World! by LETITIA OF LEMURIA
Greetings Beloved Ones,
I Am Kai of the Pyramid Beings come to speak to you today through our Emissary of Light, Letitia of Lemuria. It is good to greet you here in this space
3rd August 2018. Mike Quinsey.
There are so many uplifting messages coming through Kryon, I could easily include extracts every week. However, I want to try and keep to