August 18 Colorado NPR presented an extensive analysis by science experts-many top in their field. Spread the word and ask local branches why they are not presenting this. Available on Colorado NPR for viewing.
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You who are desperately waiting for the signs of true transformation, are the ones who came here to help bringing light into the darkness and who are not used to live in such limited consciousness and low vibration...It is now the time for you to pre
▲ No longer shall you need to swim against the currents, oh Mighty Warriors, but in the days to come you shall flow smoothly with it. Through it. This gentleness, this symmetry is what is soon to become your reality upon the eradication of the perva
Today let us congratulate you on your single-minded pursuit of your goal. Much has been placed in your path in attempts to distract you. While you have known the relative importance of knowing the current state of your world, you have not allowed y
Posted by Stephen Cook
Transcript: Sierra Neblina on The Light Agenda – Part 2/2
This is Part 2 of the transcript of my interview with my friend and colleague Sierra Neblina on The Light Agenda. You can find Part 1 here:
As you have begun to hear much about the technology you will be given and the technology onboard our ships as well, it is necessary to explain the abilities of some of these technologies that you have not quite yet heard
“What about those who care for them? Will those who remain in this reality miss these people?” may need to move away from loved ones because of important commitments they have made, some of you may need to move away from loved ones because you
Suzanne Lie: The Arcturians – Personal and Planetary Ascension
By Dr Suzan Caroll / Suzanne Lie – August 25, 2012 Dear Arcturian
There are two areas of strong belief firmly intrenched in the third dimensional consciousness and both are causing pain for many at this time. These two are; 1.Beliefs regarding romantic relationships and 2.Beliefs about money.
In third dimensional en
Some people ask what shall they do when they have to make decisions that will take them beyond the 21st. December. The answer will always be to follow your intuition, as whatever you do it wi
Some would have you belive that you need to be READY to ascend,that you have to think a certain way and believe a certain way,Eat a certain way. meditate a certain way. act a certain way. No you don't have to do anything to ascend. The world is ascen
Top Economists: Iceland Did It Right … And Everyone Else Is Doing It Wrong
Aug 25, 2012
Nobel prize winning economist Joe Stiglitz notes:
What Iceland did was right. It would have been wrong to burden future generations with the mistake

The Afterlife Investigations: The Scole Experiments
For five years a group of mediums and scientists witnessed more phenomena
than in any other experiment in the history of the paranormal.
From UFOTV®, accept no imitations. Breakthrough scientific evi
Vid: Lindsay Williams Interview... "Some Elite have been advised to expect immediate shutdown of USG"
Posted By: Watchman
Date: Sunday, 26-Aug-2012 10:20:23
Those familiar with who Lindsay Williams is, can start listening at the 3:30 mark...