All Posts (134)
Hi all,
I have been to hospital today and have been diagnosed with cervical cancer,and if I don't have chemo will be dead in less than a year, I had suspected this so all positive thoughts would be greatly appreciated...thanks you.
Express yourself as the loving joyful Being that you really are, and share your wisdom and help others to find the peace thatyou have found.
We encourage you, as always to participate in bringing the changes about that are so near to commencing.Throug
Releasing the Human Ego - Mind August 14-19!!!
Some time ago there was a channeling from Archangel Michael through Ronna Herman in which he reminded us to “put the focus on the importance”…and he remarked that he had not said that ‘backwards’, which would have indicated putting the importance on
The Current Plans
By CM thru Candace
August 2. 2010
Hello beloveds, my what an interesting day in your news. Obama is closing out the war in Iraq and bringing all but 50,000 troops home? I hope you all are not buying into that one, because dear ones, in
Ok folk´s it´s time to open your eyes what the Zionists are doing behind there curtains (media) and start to protest against there nefarious agenda.
Here are the current number of dead humans in Iraq and Afghanistan -
Iraq: 8,564,190 humans slaughtered
Through the influence of this great Cosmic Ray, divine emanations are powerfully radiating the electronic patterns of light to prepare us for transfiguration into our I AM Avatar blueprint of androgynous perfection. This is the state in which our inn
May we deeply contemplate what this means! Equally as important is the placing of our unwavering faith and entire energetic bodily system into the secure care of Mother-Father God and the realms of illumined truth who are helping to raise Humanity in
Light body activation are infusions of Light that actually take place in
the physical body. Certain cells in the body are activated and then
cause the resultant changes. Many of us have had at least the third
level light body activated since 1989. Whe