I have been able to see parallel realities for some time now. The pineal once activated opens more easily during meditation. Some people are born with the ability to see spirits but many have to clear the chakras for the pineal to open. Covering the
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Suzanne Lie, Ph.D.
When we perceive the energy
We can flow with the energy
Which allows us to read the energy so
We can follow the instructions embedded in the energy.
As we become increasingly fifth-dimensional, we will begin to have sensa
UPDATE ;By American Kabuki
Just a quick update, we released the key to the veil of consciousness August 8th. The Sphere Alliance told me I had it... what Heather calls the "car key fob" from the beginning of the "WHAT IF experiment". I had no idea |
Causation of the worlds dire situation is found in subconscious energy. Masses of people with no outlet struggling daily with the idea of slaving for 20 years to get somewhere.
You can divide people into three categories. Sane people, insane people a
We are here embracing you with our gratitude and deep respect for your willingness once again to be the change agent of your reality.
We acknowledge the intensity of your interface with this dimension and the dense vibrations and frequencies that you
Folks, as long as matters seemed very far away, we’ve been reluctant to post Zap or the other Reval commentators. But, now that it’s been announced several times that the private groups are exchanging their currency (one currency at a time), it seems
Credit: thefreethoughtproject.com
I have a friend who’s in the front lines of dispersing funds after the Reval.
And she was wondering if there was more she could do in the face of hearing of cases of police brutality, government crackdowns which proba
by Hiroshi Hayashi (はやし浩司)
It’s a great honor of mine that I can show you a footage and some photographs, presented by Mr. Taro Yamamoto, honor, a member of the house of Councilors, and Ms. Nobuko Yamamoto, his mother here on this occasion.
On the day
Why can man not see? He was given life as a gift, a gift which was likely earned, or must be earned; yet he still places himself above. In all our tales, which creature places itself above in this way? The dragon. Was man gifted life freely by a drag
Credit: materialminds.com
If you were to ask me which is preferable – service to self or service to others – I’d have to think for a sec.
There’s a certain amount of service to self that has to go on for us to be able to serve others.
We have to love o
Thanks to Erika for this transcription.
An Hour with an Angel
Linda Dillon – Channel for the Council of Love
Steve Beckow – Interviewer
SB: Good evening, Linda.
LD: Good Evening Steve. And we welcome you all to this incredible time. Steve and I were chatt
The Arcturians
Welcome. We, the Arcturians, are here for section two of Accepting the Higher Light. As you accept the Higher Light it goes into your consciousness, your aura, your body and your cells to discover any remaining darkness, so that it can
Ashtar Command Community Presents:
Contact, Disclosure and the European Connection - Live Stream from London, September 17th, 2015, PRESENTED BY DR. STEVEN GREER.
Register Here Now: http://9nl.cc/9nbx
You are invited to join Dr.
UNICEF is an international program under the United Nations that “provides long-term humanitarian and developmental assistance to children and mothers in developing countries.”
Their chapter in Chile recently put out a video on their Facebook page, wh
Sunday breakfast at Cafe Bica (no relation) … and writing
(Concluded from Part 1.)
An important escape available to lightworkers is not an escape at all. That’s to burrow deeper and deeper into the divine qualities and the behavior that supports them.
Credit: www.inc.com
Archangel Michael has asked all lightworkers to lead. He said in a reading on April 3, 2015, after an instance in which I felt the need to lead:
Archangel Michael: It is time for that assumption of leadership responsibility to be f
“And I say to you, in the healing of your heart and in the healing of humanity, ‘Begin by accepting, Loving, relishing, enjoying, being in your physical form.’ … What I am truly doing this day, to every single person who listens, is I am giving you t