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Welcome to the fifth Gathering around the Pond, Sunday September 1 by Aisha North
Dear friends!
Tomorrow is the start of another month, and it is also time for our fifth Gathering around the Pond. It is safe to say that August has been another e
Many of you are now more than aware of the changes to your dimensional realities and are now working to align your SOUL with your human vehicle...the old 3d earth reality is now folding in on itself. No longer supported by the energetic signatures of
Karen Doonan
Greetings beloved ones, we are the Archangeloi of the ELOHIM and we come to guide and to support as you now move fully into the spaces that your SOUL has asked for in preparation for the unfolding of the GOLDEN AGE OF HUMANKI
The sphinx speaks great misunderstandings about channeling energy beings
This is something that not many will discuss as they are afraid they will be questioned as and if the beings revealing the message are in fact not one of the beings they speak ab
Introducing the Global Currency Reset and the Prosperity Programs
Following the entry of Gaia into Fifth Dimensionality on Dec. 21, 2012, her population began the march to full restoration of consciousness. Discussions began to be heard of one elemen
As the expansion of your awareness is integrating into your fields, such forms of activations are in store for your being to use upon this reality of yours. All is integrating on such a level of understanding that the I AM Presence is now able to ste
Dear ones, before you start reading the message that I received from Raphael, he asked me to put the link of this music so you can listen while reading or when you wish.
I also love you.
By keeping the attention on spirit, the senses become starved from lack of stimulation. It is hard to keep our attention on spirit as our senses enjoy stimulation. Our body becomes the enjoyer, as we, in turn, become identified with the body. Our ign
I was struck by the combination of the following two quotes. The first one is by William LePar's spiritual source, The Council. The other given several years earlier by William in one of the many classes that he taught.
The Council:
"As we have said a
Nemaste now i cant really remember if that's hello or good by or both ^_^ but today i would like to get some new views on topics that have ben bothering me alot lately. firstly i would like to talk about the names of the planets that orbit Sirius. no
If you feel that these interviews are providing you with an expanded perspective, more encouragement, and additional insights into our daily planetary and galactic walk, please consider donating to my website Thank you for yo

The Allies of Humanity By Marshall Vian Summers
Fourth Briefing “Manipulation of Religious Traditions and Beliefs”
In order to understand the visitors’ activities in the world today, we must present more information regarding their influence on wor
Riding the Wave by Selacia
Have you noticed people acting more strangely this month, perhaps saying or doing things out of character? Perhaps you feel you’ve had your own unusual moments, too, wondering how you could have said or done what you did.
“Blue Lotus”, Mandala Magic by Karen Scott
Channeled by Goldenlight, © The Golden Light Channel. Please include this copyright and credit at top without alteration when re-posting this message.
Greetings We are the Council o
reason I posted this is that I too have been getting those nasty pop-ups. But its more than that, sense I have stopped going after the DC when they show up on this site, I have noticed that they have gotten stronger and there is much talk of not bei
The Huffington Post | By Nick Wing Posted: 08/30/2013 9:47 am EDT | Updated: 08/30/2013 4:21 pm EDT
I am going to start posting stuff on facebook, you tube, etc. in an attempt to get the best proof possible out to as many people as possible that our benevolent et family exists, and mean them no harm. If anyone has any good links, photos, videos,
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The administration has downplayed the importance of the text messages inadvertently sent to <em>The Atlantic</em>’s editor in chief.