2. Michele Fielding
So now with that being said… I bring you the research of two channelers. Both are very good at what they do, but they do have two different takes on the Elon Musk matter… one goes with the nore nefarious viewpoint, and Michele
2. Michele Fielding
So now with that being said… I bring you the research of two channelers. Both are very good at what they do, but they do have two different takes on the Elon Musk matter… one goes with the nore nefarious viewpoint, and Michele
LIVE! International Tele-session - April 30, 2022
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Einstein's derivation of E=mc^2 is not hard at all to follow. It is just a 3 steps high school math exercise which everyone fond of quoting this formular should first close exermine it. That is to say this derivation should be as famous as the equati
From openhandweb.org:
In this great reset that the shadow is desperately trying to impose on society, it’s essential that we be informed more by higher knowing, and create our reality from the infusion of divine guidance. It’s cloudy out there – divin
This program updates our previous implant clearing sessions to include additional work on healing ourselves to manifest individual, collective, and planetary liberation, as well as preparing ourselves for the Ascension process.
Cobra has recently ind
At no point should 'mass' ever be treated like 'inertia'. Newton's law says f=ma. This 'law' is supposed to be a 'scientific' one and so it must be possible to test it. We must be able to push a stone of mass m, using a force of f and see if it accel
Gene Decode did an update with Nicholas Veniamin yesterday if you’re interested.
There is also a positive message from Charlie Ward