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"But someone may ask, "How are the dead raised? With what kind of body will they come?" 1:Corinthians 15:35
Human body has over 30 trillion cells! All these cells came from a single cell with a single DNA! Lets ignore for a moment the ideas like thos
Gene Decode/Co Sensei has a new update with Nick Veniamin from February 21 if you like those. Over and out for today. ~ BP
Gene Decode Discusses Latest Updates with Nicholas Veniamin
To the New age movement of the Holy Spirit and Donovan,( read my last blog on Awakening and Ascension } I agree with much of what you say. I would just like to add a bit about keeping and open mind about just what is really happening both from my per
Before the
Plenty are waking up and realising just how defunct society has become. The heart quickly yearns for a higher truth, a higher harmony. You realise it is already there in 5D. But how can you live it with others still in the colle
Scientists uses both of these to explain everything and to understand nothing! Here, I am going to show them that they are contradictory, and so compel them to choose one! Emergent property is said to be a property present in the whole, but which is
Pluto is the planet of transformation and channels the power of destruction and rebuilding, either for negative or for positive purpose. It is the planet of mystery, desire, enterprise, and decision making. It is also associated with reproduction
If something moves from A to B, it of course, does not mean that that was its aim. Aim has something to do with internal forces that compels something to act in a certain way. So I can say 'aim' is a certain force of nature that compels things from w
Prayer is the very 1st beginning of the Awakening Process.One day we realize that something is very wrong with the World, we are not Happy, hardly no-one is and then we remember what JC said, that''The world is an Illusion, be in it but not of it''
What criteria do people use to infere that some intelligence has taken place? For instance when people say 'Artificial Intelligence', what do they mean in a nutshell? What can intelligent things do that blind forces cannot do? I think there are two m
Parallel Realities – AI intentions
Since many years I can observe the different “realities” people live in according to their own consciousness level.
There are as many realities as people exist and each create her/his own life.
It is sometimes argued that Darwinism violates the second law of thermodynamics which states that a thermodynamic system can only change from 'order' to 'chaos'. However the proponents do not articulate well what might be in their intuitions. This, o
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The New Age was founded July 8th.1964 after The Twelve…"
❕Elon Musk has been invited to speak.
There will be many conservative political leaders present even from…"