Now.. this is interesting Dear ones:
Love and Light, Cosmic Bliss out! <3
Now.. this is interesting Dear ones:
Love and Light, Cosmic Bliss out! <3
...there are things you must endure in preparation for all things to come...Give yourself to all and to those that need you most...Give what you have and do what you must... the road is the road you choose to be upon...You are the beacon, you are the
There is time for you to prepare yourselves...What we wish to address is your mental and spiritual state of acceptance and preparedness...stay connected to the highest and best in yourselves and send those vibrations and frequencies out to the best o
Hello everyone. Its with great joy I write to you. I always have and wondered how to find my true self. I have been driven in this direction. I feel comfortable sharing with you and wish to learn alot more. I am also at times, troubled by the fact I
Obama administration, including his czars and his closest Progressive supporters, are planning a manufactured insurgency against America. Using the media to garner both sympathy and support for his unfinished goals
The planned re-election of Obama, re
This article found under ascension #37 in the starseeds section of Removing the Cabal
Phase 1:
Arrests The Cabal has done so much damage to the society that it has to be stopped immediately. Arrests of the Cabal are the only course
Michaelgrp: What about forgiveness in particular?
L: What it has to do with ego and essence.
Michaelgrp: Do you have an example of the kind of forgiveness you are looking for?
L: Essence driven motives vs. ego. Well, kind of this victim-pattern I have b
Question from a Michael student to Phil Wittmeyer who sent it on to me:
If the oldest souls are supposed to be detached, apolitical, uninterested
in changing the world, then how do people expect the old soul children
(indigos, crystals, whatever they'r
The Messages from God
Through Yael and Doug Powell
Beloved ones, each of you has a flame within your heart that burns for the truth, that recognizes the Light of God, that points always to what is Real, what is true. It give
As channeled by Marilyn Raffaele
Dear ones, we are here to greet and welcome you all in this new era of energy. You are now feeling change within. Many are feeling disoriented and wonder
Dearest One and All, there are things you must endure in preparation for all things to come. It is important that you do not judge anyone or anything from this point forward. Give yourself to all and to those that need you most. You are the beacon
The elections last weekend in Europe showed the inevitable popular backlash against government mandated austerity. The problem is that t
Hello Family!
I could not find the post from a day or so ago, where someone was asking about these "pimples", if you will, that appeared on the back left side of his head all of a sudden. I am in a bit of a hurry right now because I have errands to
Hello fellow posters
I am writing this as an update because i have been overtaken by a feeling of overwhelming sense of sorrow i cannot explain it..
I heard and felt the day of rememberance and it was for me a joyous occasion.. I spent my full day hono
Does anyone out there, experience the physical pain through their body, of that of the Mother earth, Gaia,
and of a town, that has no love in the place, and no love going to the earth, but instead in extreme physical pain,
if you havent, then let me