SaLuSa 30-November-2011
As the saying goes, keep on keeping on, and let nothing distract you from your chosen path. Only you alone truly know what is needed to propel you forward, and exactly where you have set you
SaLuSa 30-November-2011
As the saying goes, keep on keeping on, and let nothing distract you from your chosen path. Only you alone truly know what is needed to propel you forward, and exactly where you have set you
following was quickly copy/pasted from my from e-mail, from their site
Incredible -- 800,000 signers in days, Congress is hesitating, and one Senator will block the vote by reading out our petition for hours!! Let's get to
1) unconscious incompetence- not knowing what you don't know
2)conscious incompetence-knowing what you don't know
3)conscious competence-knowing what you know and knowing what you don't know
4)unconscious competence-knowing what you know
What is truth ~?
Many of you are beginning to notice souls who are coming out of the woodwork with vast intelligence, but who will attempt to lead you astray with their words....We guide to you all now to know and feel the true power you carry within you, and to neve
(1) I would like to point out certain factors and methods which should be borne in mind in
connection with inspirational writing and mediumship, and which have a bearing on the writing of
such books as The Secret Doctrine, the Scri
As you each attune yourselves to the new frequency levels, understand that you are those Ones who are already operating in the fifth dimensional consciousness and even beyond into the higher dimensions...As you embody more Light from your I AM Presen
Greetings dear Earth Citizens. We come to you today with more news concerning the politico- finance situation on your planet.
But first of all, we ask that you understand that our only desire is to enlighten you on the current ongoings, our aim is no
Stalin's daughter Lana Peters, or in Russian Светлана Аллилуева, passed away in the state of Wisconsin on 22 November, US officials have confirmed to BBC Russian. why only today, i wonder, if this actually happened on Nov 22?
What the secrets they wer
We are at the beginning of an exciting new Age, the Aquarian Age, an era of increased illumination and opportunity for spiritual growth. Powerful forces are being poured out upon the Earth from higher realms and are being mad
Can the Ascension Make a Difference?
27 November 2011 (Ascended Master Saint Germain )
After the ascension in consciousness many of you are wondering why the predictions of a full disappearance have not occurred. When this was predicted we had no ide
By Dr. Mercolah
Why does walking barefoot make you feel better?
Do you notice you feel better when you walk barefoot on the Earth?
Recent research has explained why this happens. Your immune system functions optimally when your body has an adequate supp
Long, long ago, you, who would later come forth as the Star Seed Wayshowers for the ascension of humanity and the Earth, agreed to take on a special role on the planet Earth...This group of brave Souls would incarnate into every race, color, culture
We can feel up here in the Heavenly realms that at times you all think and feel that you that are not doing enough...know that this simply isn’t must simply let yourselves be...You must feel happy, you must feel Love for others and you must
SaLuSa 28-November-2011
The amount of love being sent to your beautiful planet is ever increasing and will continue to do so, as it helps you reach a higher level of consciousness. Many great Beings of pure Light are involved and their power is be