It is our joy to communicate with you again. By the Grace of Divinity your time has come where you are being given the gift to return to your true Self which has been laying dormant in most of you, dear souls, for thousands of years.
You hav
I wanted to write a post that is about something that has spoken to me lately… And when I say spoken it is something that has come through awareness… How easy it is to be living inside our intellects, how easy it is to live in our own ideas of things
It is now a time of grace for you Dear Ones...The Awakening Ones will not relent in their demand for justice for all that has kept the good people in every country chained to impossible systems of control...By setting one foot in front of the other,
Cricial. we need over 2000 signatures by 28/10/11. sign up even if you dont believe it could happen, because is a Law, already passed on the US congress but blocked by you know who...:-) it only takes 2 minutes and i have just done:-) just at the bot
Dear Friends,
I offer my love and gratitude to Mother Earth, Goddess Gaia and all of you for your great love, patience and fortitude during these great times of Earth
Because of the outer conditions a
Gee, awesome article:-) but i am confused..who is the Satan/anticrhist, Bushes, Pope or the Black Pope?? i guess all of then as they are all in this together! But we are all on the streets, demanding our rights and saying its enough..if those people