When i was a young boy 2yrs old and younger i saw this reality as an infinite space it had a character to it,here and there where things best described as hills of energy rolling into forever changing colors as they spread into the horizon pretty une
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"To forget something is sometimes important,
this way you will learn to approach something from different perspectives."
Answer I received in a dream at 11-06-'11
"We’re in the midst of an interesting eclipse trifecta. Partial solar eclipses occur during the New Moons on June 1st and July 1st, which are sandwiched around a total lunar eclipse during the Full Moon on June 15th. Those of you in Europe and elsewh
You're gonna love this!
Jesus said not to put our god/gods to the test. The christian church says god can do anything and everything.
I see more evidence of the former and so prefer to believe what Jesus said.
what does this fairy's meaning hold?
a friend would like to know what other meaning it has =D
Guest Writer: Symptoms Of Spiritual Awakening
Sunfell’s Note: In my own spiritual transition to the Awakened state, I suffered and endured many of these changes. Annarita has thoroughly documented many of the symptoms and changes inherent in both the
I still experience dualistic thoughts - but something that has really helped me in seeing the bigger, unified picture is the following example.
I love Monsanto - That's right! The same mega-corporation that brought us BGH (Bovine Growth Hormone), GM
By Ari Kopal
Golden Cities in the U.S
GOBEAN ( Go- Bee- Un)
Voretx is over Arizona & New Mexico
Radius encompasses the following cities:
New Mexico:
Silver City
Las Cruces
Casa Grande
We are moving at warp speed through frequencies, vibrations, and physical experiences beyond anything Humanity’s physical bodies have collectively endured. The Divine Intent of this rapid acceleration is to strengthen our bodies at a cellular level,
"Love the darkness in me: I love the darkness in you"
I had a friend call me the other day while I was reading. I had the time to take her call and give her my full attention. That was a rare moment for the middle of my day, s
"Have no fear, we are your friends."
Tears of joy and relief it run down her cheeks. With trembling legs Paulo runs over the hill. When he crossed the
Panache Desai is very Confident, very much Centred within Himself and as Cool as Ice.
His Messages are Brilliant for Ascension...as the Video below Concentrates on Yourself.....AS ALL YOU NEED IS YOURSELF...self is all you need...self is all you need.
Blossom:Welcome to you, assuming all is well for us to communicate. I wonder if I may start off by asking something that I feel may assist us? Someone wrote in asking if you could elaborate further to gain better understanding on our par
Great change is coming that’s for
Friends, lets start with JC (ACIM) ''For the awakened mind is one that knows it's Source, its Self,its Holiness''. The reason for this subtitle is that there is far to much Dark forces on these sights,especially Ashtar command crew lately. And the wo
El volcán Puyehue
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Please view this vid and let me know...I'll then check…"