As I roll up my sleeves I see who I aim to please.
My sisters, brothers, cousins, all the way to Mother Earth.
Mother, show them your love.
Mother, show us great ones above.
You may feel like you're in an odd place.
You may want to leave t
As I roll up my sleeves I see who I aim to please.
My sisters, brothers, cousins, all the way to Mother Earth.
Mother, show them your love.
Mother, show us great ones above.
You may feel like you're in an odd place.
You may want to leave t
Let us dance in the waves of invisible friendship that knows no boundaries.
Let us travel in energies that rise with the rising sun.
Let us move flying high in our paths like the mighty eagle.
Let us smile to one another sharing oneness.
Let us dance in
Interesting reading material
Interesting reading material
In spite of the many problems of Western countries. There are places on this planet with far worse problems. Such atrocities go on everyday that defile what it means to be a human being. Those who live in first world countries are very much sheltered
From Wednesdays to Sundays, 10:00 am to 12:00 pm India time, till Frebruary 6th, Live Satsang with Mooji, on this page:
Mooji is a well known spiritual teacher that directs the ones who come to him towards the stillness
In life, one should live. One should be conscious. How does one live without being conscious? Are you not your consciousness? Well, some may believe that they are not, but that is an illusion... If one explores oneself, one understands that.
Many peo
my control over fire is only based on candle light and small fire's during the day, but easier during the night
it sucks because i have to stay below the radar so i don't get noticed!
i accended again today, this time taking basic control over water eliment, in wich i was in the shower the one place i thought to be sacred lol
first FREEZING COLD, THEN BOILIGN HOT, then the shower went straight into my face so i had to divurt the s
now i have the idea that some things that people consider to be myth may actually exist beyond the curtains that blind us!
i'm curiouse as to what creature's people have experienced encounters with?
so far i'm aware of the existance of the dragon rac
i predicted the brisbane floods not that long ago, and with it i predicted the begining of something horrible, the begining of what many people call allot of things but i do not wish to label it for the fear of getting false facts and media complecat
i had a base prophecy come to me during one evening, it said quiet clearly:
when the crow crosses over the bridge from the sunset it will begin!
i have no idea what it means!
i recently encountered that what i thought to be nothing more than myth and legend to become something more real!
i know of the ancient marie (forgive the spelling) goddess, now i thought she might be the re-encarnation of this godess but wasn't sure
i have had many different visions and many different things in wich i'll explain seperatly through my blogs
i have dreamt of this girl since i was 6 years old, so as you can imagine the surprise i recieved when i realised she was as real as ever and
I have recently watched two very interesting videos. In the first one a spiritual guru was explaining the negative karmic effects of playing violent video games. In the second, a response to the first video, an intelligent young man was explaining wh
Please send healing and prayers to the 30+ killed and 100+ injuried in today's Moscow International Airport Suicide Bombing
They need our Love and Compassion right now.