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Between 1920 and 1993, African-Americans suffered a 96% decline in land ownership. The African-American Land Loss Syndrome is a statistically confirmed reality. State Statutes have eroded Common Law Co-Tenancy laws (wife, children, -heirs to black fa
it's difficult enough living life when bad things happen, but to add the pressure of being hunted by dark spirits being the balance between light and dark itself, knowing the boundry enough to not slip into dark matters
hell if the dark half of me get
Click Here to View the Youtube video, Activating the Pineal Gland: Opening Your Third Eye
We are the Arcturians, welcoming you back to our Co
following heart ...soul ....bliss...eliminated calender's , such thing's as this
the time is now and thats where I everything else i don't give a dam
it's passion i'm after ...what makes my heart soar
it's me days and laughter and art like bef
Like many people I grew up in a fundamental Christian household and was forced to go to Church from a very young age. Ideas like Sin, Hell, Redemption and Salvation were firmly ingrained in my psyche. I went through the whole guilt trip and never que
A Sincere Plea For This Nation And The World
Even the casual observer will admit that our Nation, the United States of America is in trouble. Our politicians have spent us to near financial collap
Blossom: Hello there my friends. I am sure you are aware that many celebrate Christmas at this time of year and then .... 2011 is upon us. I wonder what your message for the new year brings?
Federation of Light (FoL): It carries a symbolic gesture. It
We are no longer viewed as aliens, but rather your Space Friends and that has been one of our objectives for a long time.
We have had to overcome prejudice and deliberate misinformation about us, and confusion with the activities of the Greys that are
I ask that everyone comes together to reach out to pray for Truth, Peace and Harmony, such Energy will bring about the Transition, the prayers of Mankind will be answered.
Ask and you will receive , knock and it will be opened to you. Love should be t
UFO Interacts AGAIN With Objects
Enviado por ovnis_et_fantomes. - Análises sobre tecnologia e novos vídeos sobre ciência
UFO Amazing Sighting Arenal Volcano Costa Rica
Enviado por ovnis_et_fantomes. - Vídeos sobre as últimas descobertas da ciência e t
I don't know what to type, so I'll just see what comes up.
I don't think anyone is telling the truth. Whenever someone is saying something on here, it just makes me think that they've got it wrong.
Ooh, I'm thinking. Should I be doing that?
But just b
"In the next two years, the love of power will begin to be displaced by the Power
of Love. It will take time, but do not doubt it, for it is already in motion. It
begins initially inside each of your hearts, and Dear Ones, that is happening now".
This is from a collection in progress, let you all know when it's finished :)
Hard music thunder drills
into my bones helping me remember
I am not alone.
My Sisters and my Brothers
will always be with me,
somewhere out there in the universe,
whether I
This is the third and final part on auras. I was asked to give additional information on auras as far as becoming an aura reader. Please be sure to take note of the last statement by The Council. It truly is food for thought for all of us who advise
It is darkest before the dawn and you have reached the point of no return for the dark Ones, as the Light is blazing its way into your lives.
We of the Galactic Federation are handling the bigger picture, and working to change the very foundation
ok, now on here i've spoken about many things and some things if not all things so far have been relatively easy topics, all i simply wanted so far has been a light view on things to help me understand or make decisions or just out of curiousity
Latest Activity"
"GLOBAL BOMBSHELL! Respected Former UK MP Says MI6 Is Covering Up…"
January 18, 2025
The Eras of Contact
Greetings from the Command!
Our presence on Earth is not new, as you well know. History has been completely…