People say I shall be cast out. Cast out of where? The hell that we have survived; and continue to survive through? One must expand their mind for a moment and think. Were we born to think there was a Jesus or a God? Of Course not! So how does Christ
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it's an emotion i never fully understood, this girl has said she love's me, but we've never met, is this at all possible?
i don't care what anybody says, where all imature at heart and the best way to learn a new language is to first learn how to speak fluent dirty and then insults then funny and pretty soon holy crap i am speaking fluent japanese or vietnamese lol
i like this girl, she live's in vietnam, working for charity with deaf kids and as a professional photogropher!
although we are finding distance to be a bitch!
she gets back into australia in June next year but still live's 18 hours away!
i'm not sure
Don’t Abandon Julian Assange Now
Please read the remaining on
Mike & Friends Blog
Let's Take America Back From Israel!
Zionists and Talmudists control the U.S. Government! FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski (left)
[Editor Note: This article reflects an average American's justified anger at the extent of Zionist control in the US. It's
i have to write this down someweher before i forget it, i was thinking maybe 2 marinated stake's (port base, a little spicy but very very mild, well not giving away my secret recip'e there) with coated roast spuds (again personal recip'e) served with
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and can tell you that what awaits you is almost beyond words, because you have little to compare it with. Heavenly may be appropriate but your ideas of it are probably very limited by comparison.
To be truthful there is really
raise the chalice glass once more,
and blow the horn of plenty
this time its not the particles , but silver beads and many
reminding me of weddings ..the icing on the cake
and all this is because of NOW
at last I AM AWAKE
the rainbow bride walks up the isl
I have a theory or say an idea that takes root in the infinite love of our radiant ONE.
I myself understand and forsee that the earth is shifting, changing and altering her structure to suit and accomadate frequencies of higher dimensional intelligenc
It is only a matter of time before we see the shinning face of our elder brother Maitreya, who will soon be invited by a major American television net work, and soon after that he will be speaking to the entire human race through an incredible planet
I am SaLuSa from Sirius and feel the crying need of many souls who suffer, but be sure we are ready to alleviate your circumstances as soon as we can go ahead with our plan.
We ourselves are guided by even higher Beings, and respect their ability to
what is your idea of your perfect partner?
what do you look for in a girl/guy?
my old man once told me, now son there is an easy way to explain politics so you can logically understand it!
the idea behind politics is you pick the politition who is bullshitting the least and hope for the best!
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Our presence on Earth is not new, as you well know. History has been completely…
January 18, 2025
The Eras of Contact
Greetings from the Command!
Our presence on Earth is not new, as you well know. History has been completely…
And Earth Alliance have thwarted the mad dark cabal (FF)…"