I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and wish to tell you that we are very much present on Earth already. It is just that our bases are hidden from your sight, and quite a number are safe and out of your reach on the seabed. There are also others deep inside mo
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The question of abductions and cattle mutilations is part of the general cover-up. They are a way of invalidating the harmlessness of the Space Brothers and making people afraid of the Space Brothers. The Space Brothers know nothing of harm and mean
First off, I was eating popcorn the other day. I was trying to savor it, trying to enjoy it. And I couldn't. It went away too fast, I had to keep putting more and more just to get a sus
Arch. Michael's Blue Ray Angel Number & Power Protection Grid for Empaths & Ultra Sensitives 10:10
I, Archangel Michael, in unison with the Blue Ray give to
Gemini is my Sun sign and Virgo is my Power sign.
People often mistaken me for an Indigo but I know that I'm not and couldn't find anything else that fits what I am ...although I'm still 'evolving'. A part recluse since I was a child and have since le
The energies that are coming through now are full of love and healing. Let go of all fear and trust in the plan of love and light for this planet as it flows out of the heart of divine love. Something wonderful is happeni
This message speaks to me totally....headaches get intense, sleep time goes haywire, overwhelming sadness and loneliness..hey...loneliness was my constant companion for many lifetimes......but it hit me real hard last night...and now..I understand 'w
Forget your immediate problems and hardships, as soon you will understand how such conditions will quickly change for the better. We find that your hopes for the future are enabling you to move out of any fear factor, knowing that little or nothing
Buddhist and Mayan spiritual leaders are joining forces for a unique wisdom transmission and historical cultural unification. This Sacred Fire Ceremony f
Weekly, the Zetas answer questions, concerns of people who are really interested in earthchanges, info about Planet X, pole shift catastrophe, preparing for survival;
this is a vast library information with scientific and spiritual explaination from Z
When the Real Spaceships arrive on your Planet, you will be left in no doubt.
Earth could never have produced such ships.
they will come in Peace, they will help restore your full consciousness.
All will be restored to Full Consciousness.
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they paid two lawyers in chicago for those childre-one looks like the real father-the other looks like the real mother-marxists are insane"
"The Divine Heresies".