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What I have for you is some very interesting channeled material. This information was given by Mr. William LePar’s source, The Council on 07-25-1987, as a small part of the 147th trance.
The Council:
To use some traditional terms, so that there would
Although I am not quite at the level of communication that I feel I could be, I do wish to pass on my appreciation for all your work on behalf of this beautiful Gaia and the whole of humanity, as well as all of creation
Esu is a being that walked on Earth 2000 years ago.
In fact Jesus were a double incarnation of Esu and our creatorson Christ Michael.
Esu belongs to the family of Kumara , and are very experienced in dealing with galactic wars.
He has also great experie
Dear Ones, you are seeing before your very eyes the fall of the great capitalist empire, that has ruled your world for many years. As always, try to see beyond the immediate occurrences and know that they will not last very long.
The clutter and last
imposter update!
Mad enormous huge loud gigantic phat unusually large props to everyone who's supported me, and everyone who hasn't! Particularly bi
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"The Divine Heresies".