Valiant Thor The Human Alien From Venus,
Washington D.C. V.I.P. During Late 50's
The Valiant Thor Landing 002741-57 Room 4D-717 Project Blue Book
By - Harley Andrew Byrd
Nephew to the late Rear Admiral Richard R.E. Byrd United States N
On July 17th and 18th, we experience yet another Divine unprecedented activity of Light, The Conscious Convergence, and a wave of Unity Consciousness. According to the ancient Maya, the creation of the universe is affected by nine waves, and the nint
through John Smallman
July 14, 2010
As humanity prepares itself to return to Reality, by awakening into its natural state of full consciousness, there is great joy and excited anticipation in the spiritual realms, a
Whatever you do effects everything else, and creates energy levels that can powerfully influence othersouls.
We are now much closer as a result, making our coming tasks so much easier.
Over eons of time you have given your power to those who would lead
Hello, galactic crews on Earth.
I want to send you this message with hope for future from Japan.
I introducedSteve Beckow's suggestion "World Disclosure Day " to Japan in my blog, and got
We embrace you ... Our family in Light.
Jul 13, 2010
It has begun. Can you feel it?
Remember we are h
An Urgent Message from Saint Germain - The Battle for Your Mind ! .
Am Beloved Master Teacher Saint Germain, and I come today with a message of Awakening.
This is an important time on earth, for She is in her final stages of labor… She is getting ready
SaLuSa 12-July-2010.
Is your mind in turmoil, as these times are such that it would be easy to become enmeshed in all of the problems around you? Of course some of you are directly involved in them, and you do have
Here is one channelled through Natalie who is so gifted and a very bright light worker. ACTUALLY SHE IS AN eXTRATERRESTRIAL AS SHE HAS TOLD ME THIS IN HE E-MAIL. Weekly Channelled Message – by Natalie Glasson
The result of allowing a tree to speak :