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Kuthumi: 6:6 The Pathway of Quantum Consciousness
28 June 2010
Channeler: Michelle Eloff
Thursday, 10 June, 2010 at South Africa (posted 28 June, 2010)
I am Kuthumi-Agrippa and I come forward upon the rays of Love and Wisdom to greet each of you at th
We hope to have clarified this matter and would remind you that Disclosure and First
Contact, are necessary to give us the clearance and permission to officially
land on Earth, and then we can immediately move into action.
Fear not, as the Light will b
What Mankind needs to remember is that "No Man is an Island", what is being done in one part of the World today can be repeated anywherethey choose. You are your brother's keeper, I ask you please cometogether in Love a
Welcome back, Beloved Lightworkers,
These times that you are living in are the most challenging and most exhilarating Humankind has ever experienced. These times are filled with the old structures and paradigms collapsing all aroun
If a man gives way to all his desires, or panders to them, there will be no inner struggle, in him, no "friction", no fire.
But if, for the sake of attaining a definite aim, he struggles with the desires that hinder him - He will then create a fire w
Please Sign this Petition Here is your chance to make a positive Chance for all Humanity.mht
It seems foolish,
but it also seems true:
How can I ask
my sisters
and my brothers
to grow
if I am stagnant?
How can I expect
respect and love
from any part of the universe
if I do not show that
to my own self?
How can I expect clean air
and clean water
if I soil
"At the end of days a Day of Judgment there shall be.
The Earth shall quake and the rivers change course,
and there shall be a darkness at noon and
a fire in the heavens in the night,
the day of the returning celestial god
will it be.
And who shall s
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and cannot help feelingbothastonished and sad that after offering our hand in friendship, it hasbeenrejected. However, we know that such a refusal does not fairly representthemood of the people at present. They would gladly w
Petition to the Galactic Federation: Disclose, Stop Oil Spill, Release Free-Energy Technology
God said:
As a matter of fact, there are matters in life you do not have to concern yourself with and fuss about. Where do you put your attention? Irritations in life are not to be your focus. When you focus on what is annoying, you harvest it. Or you
We are all flailing about during this Time of T
Petition to the Galactic Federation: Disclose, Stop Oil Spill, Release Free-Energy Technology
Your Greatest Gift
a message from Archangel Uriel
channeled by Jennifer Hoffman
Monday, 21 June, 2010 (posted 24 June, 2010)
The words you speak are powerful forces of creation. If you could see the energy behind your words and how they command, are res
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I thought I would share my friend Alice Cellia webpage Glactic Souls.
You can obtain a Free E-Book called....
Awakening Your Divine Potential - Your Role as a Starseed in the I AM…"
The beings of Lakwedak (Tau Ceti star nation) are a very high vibe and it's all real, even though for some, it seems we are all living in a science fiction fantasy....For myself, well I've got used to fantastical things…"
I also know that Master Rakoczi has a ship of his own (well, in Agartha they don't own…"