The recent oil spill in the Gulf is escalating with catastrophic vulnerability concerning the wellhead. Experts say a huge and very toxic gas bubble has formed and extreme p
God bless you
because you're for real.
God bless you
because you shine your light
even when it's dim,
because you can laugh
even when you don't feel
much like laughing.
God bless you
because you have suffered,
because you have strayed,
because you persevered
4 Imix, 4 Kayab, 5 Caban
Selamat Jarin! We come before you once again! Much has happened, and the time for new beginnings is upon us. Our Earth allies have worked diligently to change your re
Message from Ashtar through Mark Stearn. 17th June, 2010.
Greetings my dear friends. Your changes continue to accelerate and we can see you are doing all that you can to cope with the day to day happenings that are creating vast shifts all over the pl
Circumstances are such that we are yearning to start working with you, to tackle yourimmediate problems. We are of course acting behind the scenes, so be assuredmatters will not be allowed to get out of hand.
The waiting game continues and we are exer
Lord of the Trees
A poem by Mike (Nature1) -
Strange how my mind thinks, as I walk beside the trees.
The ancient oak trees forming links, with their b
(Ailanthus altissima), rapid-growing tree, in the family Simaroubaceae, native to China but widely naturalized elsewhere. It has been planted as a yard and street tree in urban centres, b
SaLuSa 16-June-2010
We love your resilience in the face of adversity, and often you show the remarkable trait to be able to make light of it. We have said before that there is a place for humour, and we are no exce
JUNE 18, 2010
Greetings to all who read this message.
We are here today to tell you that many things are about to happen on your planet. We see you ready for change and ready for the new awakenings about to manifest in your world as new ideas and new w