Thank you
Thank you for everything you gave me and everything I learnt from you.
Thank you for giving me a home
Thank you for your wisdom and faith
I love you all
Thank you
Thank you for everything you gave me and everything I learnt from you.
Thank you for giving me a home
Thank you for your wisdom and faith
I love you all
Copyright © Ben-Arion. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way and the content remains complete, credit is given to the author, and you include the follo
With each message we draw nearer to thetime when the long awaited disclosure takes place. It will releaseinformationlong hidden away, but more importantly it will
Update #25 By CM and S333 thru Hazel May 31, 2010 - 3:35:20 PM |
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(Candace: this came earlier today but I was away from the computer)
Update #25
S333 and CM
This is a brief update to let you know that our backup p
Hello Everyone.
Excuse me intruding on your day ... but I feel it important to pass thismessage on . For those of you who have not yet heard of Keisha, LittleGrandmother, do take the time to youtube /google her. Her Truth made me cry andshe is withou
Friends, I have been feeling very odd the last few weeks, and I feel I need to say something about it. I would rather not say these kinds of things in any chatroom because of the potential it might be taken as fearmongering, or disrupt a positive-vib
Beloved Lightworkers,
Get ready for a great increase in the downpouring energies. The next month will be filled with many changes taking place within you as you continually receive these powerful a
i would like to post this. My guides told me to be very discerning in this time, because there are a lot of false prophets active lately.
Normally is respect every channel or medium in it's own way, but lately this website from Cad
Speaking for the Galactic Federation, to use your parlance, I can say that we are on a red alertand are that close to starting the final rundown to this cycle.
We find that some of you still do not fully understand why you are going through the experi
You have in front of you two buttons, one is green the other isblack. The green button represents peace and love, the black button
represents war and hate and you were put in