05/12/2010 by John Smallman
As you are all well aware, enormous Earth changes are in progress which seem quite alarming. They are all necessary to ensure and enable the continuing viability o
Hi all
No you don´t have to be afraid of god.
He/she is the most mercyful being that you hardly could imagine.
<in light
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God Is Not A Punishing, Nor Distant God
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Start: 11:10
Rubens: Ye
Hi all
This is a channeling where Kibo is "interviewing" our creator . Christ Michael
In light
The Love and Light is drawing you closer to each other, and also bringing us nearer to you.
Do you not say that the darkest hour comes before the dawn, and for you that has been a period of manyyears in which you were pushed further into the lower vib
Keeper of the Soul Keys by Lady Nada
Channelled through Natalie Glasson
With sacred Christed blessings I extend my arms of love to you now to cradle you and your soul in a pure blissful light that flows directly through me from the soul of the Creato
An Open Letter from
Dr. Peter Gariaev,the Father of "Wave-genetics"
Date: 10/3
As i sat here reading this message from Jesus I could actually feel his loving presence come into my physical body. Tear of love and joy ran down my face as I could not or would not want to hold that back. Enjoy this message and feel the love. John G
Hi Friends :)
I dug this up out of an old journal and I was wondering if anyone had any thoughts on it. Not sure who this was I was talking to but it happened a lot, I only bothered to write it down when it was convenient. I'm particularly curious abo
God said:
If you did not ask yourself so many questions, if you did not weigh every thought and action so much, if you did not debate back and forth with yourself so much, you might even have peace. As it is, there is a tendency to disrupt yourself fr
Crystalai @2010
As we bring the Highest Frequencies to Earth through Music, we are Making Heaven on Earth through the music of all life resonating in harmony with itself. We are transmuting all frequency waves into
SaLuSa 10-May-2010
You know that open contact with you is inevitable, and only held back until there is an official announcement that allows us to come to you. As matters on Earth reach new levels of disruption and indicate worse
Message from the Angels |
Beloved masters, envision, however you perceive, a vast, vertical column of Love/Life/Light pouring forth from the heart/mind core of the Supreme Creator, thus providing a central axis
for all creation. This column of Living Light is the power source
You know that open contact with you is inevitable, and only held back until there is an officialannouncement that allows us to come to you. As matters on Earth reach newlevels of disruption and indicate worse predicaments than previously, we hearyour
You killed me,
I just layed there
and let you do it.
You killed me,
I invited it
even though I was well warned.
You killed me,
you took my life away,
you ate my essence
and all I could do
was cry quietly.
You killed me
because I allowed it,
but I never will again