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We are the bearers of Light and Love come to lift you up...Dear Ones, there are good reasons for us to believe that many of you have now risen above the lower energies. It is the result of your upliftment into the higher vibrations, from where you ar
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These reforms are to end the cycles of war, poverty, and hatred which have plagued your reality for millennia.Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation6 Chicchan, 13 Kumku, 4 EbSelamat Jarin! We return with more
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Monday, July 13, 2009Welcome Home! - MetatronBlessings from on high...I come forth with the legions of light to speak of some radical alterations to earth's holographic reality structures.First we would like to congratulate each of you on your entran
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Everything to Choose From

HEAVEN #3154 Everything to Choose From July 14, 2009God said:What holds you back from anything, beloveds? Some timidity, some desire to hover, some reluctance to go forth? You may give all kinds of reasons why you can’t do something, yet you, an unli
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JESUS: Keep On Keeping ON!

July 13, 2009Jesus: Keep On Keeping On!Beloved Lightworkers,The days just ahead of you will be filled with many new energies. There have been and continue to be, Light Codes that are being anchored into each Lightworker who asks, and these new Light
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The Creator welcomes his Children of Light back into the realms of purity and everlasting life, and surrounds you all in a great outpouring of Love....Most of you seeking the truth read a number of channeling each week, and you cannot fail to have no
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2012 ~ Science or Superstition

December 21, 2012: the end date of the sophisticated Long Count Calendar created by the ancient Maya in Central America. Countless books and websites, magazine articles and newspaper headlines debate its meaning, with enthusiasts in two camps: those
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34. July 12th.Blossom:Hello there. I’m in the mood!! Refreshed and ready for a chat. I know you are there because I have a strong sense of you in the right side of my brain! Hello my friends , how are you doing?FEDERATION OF LIGHT:We are happy to be
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Tunin in--------

Theese riddles, that life push on us,can, sometimes be hard to solve,but on higher levels, wonderin seemsstupid, cause senses are workin in adifferent way, when their tuned-----As well, as the smell of comfort,tells us more than jokeless tales,so put
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El arte de la sanacion espiritual esta en mirar a la persona con la sensatez de permitirle que sea exactamente como es. No necesita cambiar de ninguna manera. Esta es la base de la sanacion. Esto es amor incondicional. Cuando alguien observa con amor
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Breathe LoveJuly 10, 2009A Message from The Council of Light through Rebecca CouchLet’s put it this way: all the love that you give and multiply is far less than the love that is available to you to receive. Of course, this is not a competition, it i
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Drekx Omega left a comment on Comment Wall
"Hehe...!! Beam me up, Scotty I need a musical interlude....!!

👽🛸👽🛸👽🛸👽🛸👽🛸👽🛸👽🛸 Now, the Trekkies on ACC will love this... 👏🏻🌞 Actually, the Star Trek series did produce several very good incidental music themes, including the episode; "Is There in…"
6 minutes ago
Joe Barnett posted a blog post
FORMULA OF ASCENSIONDr. Angela BarnettCrystal Magic OrchestraCosmic Healing Music ( process of ascension is from the inside out and from the outside in. This transformation requires re-structural engineering from the…
40 minutes ago
Drekx Omega left a comment on Comment Wall
"Another UK Reform conference speech. This time delivered by MP, Lee Anderson..
This will be particularly interesting for anyone who is not British, to observe...The sentiment of; "I want my country back..!" The same sentiments expressed by many…"
6 hours ago
Drekx Omega left a comment on Comment Wall
"And here is the conference speech by Nigel, for anyone interested......👏🏻"
8 hours ago
Drekx Omega left a comment on Comment Wall
"Ivy is completely correct to place a current focus upon politix and politicians, as the dark agenda of elites, is truly being played out using politics...All are realising this and as we all probe further, we can also see the hand of finance behind…"
8 hours ago
Edward posted a status
The Christmas is coming.......!!
Have a nice Christmas and weekend..........
Thanks..........take care..........^^
16 hours ago
Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
"Yes definitely avoid the jab like you said Ivy and thank God for the internet and social media because if we only had mainstream media we would definitely not be getting anywhere with just mainstream media and its constant lies. It's gonna be a…"
19 hours ago
ET Hugger left a comment on Comment Wall
"I expect that many people on every level of society will become aware of the countless political scams that are currently being exposed. It can’t be missed, the truth will seep through on news channels, the internet and in daily chats. Awakening and…"
20 hours ago