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Joe Biden was sworn in as president of a bankrupt and defunct US Inc. Corp
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Joe Biden was sworn in as president of a bankrupt and defunct US Inc. Corp
Physical ufo-contacts:
the UFOcontacts of Bob Renaud from July 1961
in former east-Germany in –57: The contacts of Martin Wiesengrün: 300w, 300w" alt="" width="768" height="409" />
No matter what you want to believe, more than half the USA believes this. Therefore it is good theater to watch f
The Military had been tasked with conducting a return to a gold/asset-backed dollar and to insure that the US Republic was restored to original laws of the Constitution as written prior to 1871.
This was all made possible after a Sat. 9 Jan 2021 raid 300w,
No intel can be released now for several reasons.
Both mainstream and alternative media are almost completely taken over by disinfo, and blindly following outside sources can only lead to disappointment.
Since the collapse of the Alpha timeline in Janu
It seems to be a day for dark news and even this priest in Rome alerts anyone who’ll listen to the “Masonic Takeover”. The good news is, now that it’s out in the open and millions of people are aware, we ARE doing something about it. Great video for
The vaccines they are now trying to inject into everybody on Earth are using CRISPR gene-editing technology to alter people’s DNA and brain structure in order to remove genes related to religious belief and add genes to increase dopamine production. 173w, 592w" alt="" width="653" height 300w" alt="" width="600" height="383" />
It’s over folks, the criminal enterprise known as the Corporation of the United States of America is finished. Actual on the gro
It’s over folks, the criminal enterprise known as the Corporation of the United States of America is finished. Actual on the ground reporters with White House Press passes, confirm that nobody is in the White House. The corrupt members of Congress 300w, 1024w, https://prepareforchange. 300w, 1024w,