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These three paintings were done in August 2012, during the Persedes meteor shower. There also appeared to be a moon impact, it was the night when Usain Bolt won gold in the 200m. The day after there was a lot of omens in the clouds, later it began
Chapter 72
And then it happened, when the First Mystery heard Matthew utter these words, that he said, "Well said, Matthew, dearly beloved. This is
Dearest brothers and sisters,
Greetings of the most high. We come forward now in this moment of your time with much news to share about the current situation that we as a collective are going through at the moment.
At times like this, it is absol
Hi, I am BenArion and i created in 2006...I just wanted to share a "story" with you all, that i read a few years ago It´s a great reminder...
"I had big, strange, deep dream with Ben-Arion Involved...
Hello everyone,
I had so in
May 25th, 2020 By Open Contributing writer for Wake Up World
These are challenging, but adventurous and necessary times to wake up. People everywhere are peeling off the veils of a hefty amnesic slumber. We’ve been caught up in a grand illusion, that 300w, 300w, 768w
Meet the New King of England
We like to take frequent walks on the wild side, and this topic has been on the WWW for awhile now. I never took it seriously because it sounds like something out of the Examiner where women give birth to aliens or platypu
This is William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council’s, second step of the Five Steps to Spirituality.
The Council: If you take these five steps and apply them to your life, much spiritual growth can be accomplished. In fact, one can accomplish a deg 300w, 300w, 768w 300w, 1024w,
Here in the old US of A, there are many constitutional sheriffs who are upholding the constitution and speaking out. Hopefully they will influence other LEOs who find it easy to disregard their oath of office AS PUBLIC SERVANTS. We're definitely expe 300w" sizes="(max-width: 650px) 100vw, 650px" width="650" height="322" />
Here is your Test Question for today: What is the UN?
by Anna Von Reitz
All those who ans 300w, 768w, https://cd
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Also, great idea of Trump's, to reclaim mount McKinley, after that great President...and also, if Britain can name an "English Channel" to our south, America should do likewise and has…"
From my observation, I believe it was Macron with the win for his first term that stopped the "populist" momentum in the EU, but this time the minions have no chance.
The situation have already changed in the…"
Shame the Russian people of that era, could not vote out their…"