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This is great. Humanity is alive and well. And spunky.
We investigated the German farmer prot
TO GET RID OF ANNOYING ADVERTISING, LEFT CLICK ON LEFT SIDE OF SCREEN. The hand-drawn ephermeris (above) reveals a massive Aquarius sign transit of 4 planets (Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Pluto) and 2 luminaries (Sun and Moon) during mid-February of 202
Hello Friends!
I hope you are enjoying your weekend. I have just received the new high-energy Psychic Food Frequencies, Accelerator Combination & Position of the Fleet for January. Also, the 1st Astar Command Update for 2024 is coming up on Jan 20!
There are many signs we are headed for some sort of massive black swan event or set of events, that is likely to involve both a white hat mass arrest operation and a Khazarian Mafia response that will dwarf 911.
One hint that something is being plan
There is an untold story in American monetary history. Some are reluctant even to discuss it.
I’m referring to the U.S. Secret Service’s very own role in the destruction of sound money in America.
As constitutional, sound money in the form of physical
TO GET RID OF ANNOYING ADVERTISING, LEFT CLICK ON THE LEFT SIDE OF THE SCREEN. New Moons are often associated with "new beginnings." They are good for social gatherings, parties, meetings, and gatherings for the purpose of reconciliation or introduct
Join us to for Starquest: Stargazing… & a new Ashtar Command Essentials Update!
Have a great day, Bryan