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Energize My Life…Do you need assistance with healing, financial prosperity or relationships?…Come visit us at & scroll down to the bottom of our Stargate Shop!
The FCC voted today on a plan that gives the Federal government full control over the Internet. The plan passed by a 3-2 margin. A press release posted immediately after the meeting stated, in part, “Under the new rules, the Commission can investigat
We are here for you. We are The Creators. We are a twelfth-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings, and we are here to help.
You know what lights you up and brings you joy at this point in your life, and you know that sometimes you have to set a
PLEASE NOTE: TO GET RID OF ANNOYING ADVERTISEMENTS, LEFT CLICK ON THE LEFT SIDE OF THE SCREEN...Wow...I got one of my New Moon prediction possibilities (written about on 11/07/23) correct a few hours ago. At this point in time, there is major police/
PLEASE NOTE =>TO GET RID OF ANNOYING ADVERTISEMENTS, PLEASE LEFT CLICK ON THE LEFT SIDE OF THE SCREEN. Astrology analysis of star placements on the horoscope is a very old practice. Key placement of certain stars can indicate fame or infamy. Note tha
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Original Source: plates and magnetic inversion
Greetings from the Command!
Throughout the Ages, we have been monitoring…
Original Source: plates and magnetic inversion
Greetings from the Command!
Throughout the Ages, we have been monitoring…
Selamat ja...Selamat jarin...!!😉 Musical interlude, dude......!!""
The deep state want everyone distracted from the increased "UAP" sightings and are using the death of Jimmy Carter and the California wild fires, to change the narration topic...
Of course, the Sirian "orbs" are not going…"