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In a shocking turn of events, a cyberattack has brought the largest National Science Foundation (NSF)-funded telescopes to a halt. Since the beginning of August, 10 telescopes in Hawaii and Chile have been shut down, causing astronomers to look for a
Mercury Retrograde will take place from August 23, 2023 to September 15, 2023. Mercury Retrograde is often viewed as a time when bad things happen for those unaware of the retrograde period of Mercury (which is usually about three weeks). A pictorial
By Infowars
Whistleblowers from the TSA and Border Patrol have raised the alarm to Infowars that the Biden administration is setting the stage for full Covid lockdowns that will begin with incremental restrictions like masking TSA employees in mid-Sep
Horoscopes to be looked at include Joan Crawford, J. Edgar Hoover, George H.W. Bush, 1st civilian CIA director Allen Dulles, Dwight Eisenhower, George Patton, John F. Kennedy, Paramahansa Yogananda, Al Capone, Paul Newman-Joanne Woodward (composite),
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A world of trading blocks, without EU globalist-style "harmonization" and punitive compulsion, is the future, as well as political and trade…"
Currently they are being taken…"