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On August 12, at 01:58 CET, via Al-Terra-Gaia, Co-Creators informed about updates, regarding the Doomsday Protocol (see – Black Swan, Parts 1 and 2, DNI, July 22 and 26, 2023). They made additions to it that significantly expanded the functionality o
The photo above is from the National Observatory of Japan (03/15/02). It is a near-infrared photo of Uranus with moons Miranda (top) and Ariel (bottom). The five astrologers analyzed for this report were Alan Leo, Charles E.O. Carter, Alfred Witte, L
August 10, 2023
Some insiders tell us this “alien invasion” is a beta test for the NWO’s long-planned “Project Bluebeam”.
Clayton Morris has a great interview on Redacted with a writer/researcher and they have a solid discussion about the claims of
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A world of trading blocks, without EU globalist-style "harmonization" and punitive compulsion, is the future, as well as political and trade…"
Currently they are being taken…"