MUST WATCH: Learn the Secret of Secrets with Mark Passio
"This is nothing more than a new eugenics operation being waged against humanity to degrade and eventually wipe
"This is nothing more than a new eugenics operation being waged against humanity to degrade and eventually wipe
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The Happiness Grid
LIVE! International Tele-session - October 8, 2022
9am (US/Las Vegas/Pacific Time) $35 100 min
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This double infusion/activation session will reenergize your mind, bring healing light into your body and restore
This is my take on the four most commonly used asteroids in astrology. I don't use them in teaching or in readings, but sometimes they can have important meaning with the horoscope. Similar to Black Moon Lilith' qualities presented as "The Good, Th
Chiron is notorious for placement in key horoscope areas (or in key aspects) of horoscope charts of those who are ET/UFO aware. I discussed this in my book "Basic Principles of Horoscope Interpretation." Three horoscopes that were used for research