Black Moon Lilith has intense energies that may be regarded as Scorpio/Pisces in nature. Yes, espionage work is a common area found in the energies of Scorpio and Pisces. But Scorpio/Pisces energies also favor finance and banking, involvement with
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One of the most controversial topics discussed in scientific circles concerns electrical engineer Nikola Tesla claiming to have received "signals from Mars" that were described as extraterrestrial in nature (AND FACILITATED IMPROVEMENTS IN HIS WORK I
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For your Response and the thread has prompted a discussion beyond what I expected in relation to the 7th Rays and happy to have found a community with an extensive understanding on the Ray's and it is an honour to have you and…"
For you response and Yes the reincarnation of 4th Ray souls and the affect they will have on the Collective Conciseness will be one of true understanding as the initial work will be performed by the 4th Ray Personalities that…"
For your response and it's fantastic that you are enjoying "Superhuman" and Yes passing on and introducing the concept of Consciousness and the awareness of Conciseness to the most skeptical does indeed "plant the…"