100,000 Angels...BEAUTIFULLY SUNG

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I HAVE SEEN BLISS A NUMBER OF TIMES AT THE MIND, BODY.. SPIRIT FESTIVAL IN LONDON.http://www.blissfulbeings.com.au/index.htmMusic by Bliss (UK)http://www.blissfulmusic.comTo purchase this amazing album bliss 100,000 Angels, please go to http://www.blissfulbeings.com.au/Shop/InspiredSpirit.phpYou have been born into an environment that supports your every desire. All you need to do to have want you want is to FEEL the love that you are and DO everything that feels good. You are LOVED and ALL is well.http://www.blissfulbeings.com.au/reminders.phpJoin our free weekly Reminders from Home inspirational messages today and to the end of June you will receive a free guidance session from KAren, click the above linkor go to http://www.blissfulbeings.com.au/index.htm for more information and to book a guidance session with your universal self.Music by Bliss (UK)http://www.blissfulmusic.comTo purchase this amazing album bliss 100,000 Angels, please go tohttp://www.blissfulbeings.com.au/Shop/InspiredSpirit.phpNamaste

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AlternateEarth commented on AlternateEarth's blog post Tau Ceti Bear Pilot Morphs His Craft Into A Drone!
"Thanks guys-"
4 hours ago
RandyFirstContact commented on AlternateEarth's blog post Tau Ceti Bear Pilot Morphs His Craft Into A Drone!
"It morphs pretty much instaneously, pretty cool footage AE. 😲"
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Justin89636 commented on AlternateEarth's blog post Tau Ceti Bear Pilot Morphs His Craft Into A Drone!
"Good footage as usual AE."