11.11.11 MESSAGE ~ PLEIADIAN COUNCIL OF LIGHT ~ Important Day ! :)

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Oct 10, 201111.11 11 Message from the Pleiadian Council of LightFULL TRANSCRIPT & SPANISH TRANSLATION HERE http://www.solara.org.uk/channeling.aspxPleiadian Council of Light comes now with a directive for the 11.11.11 time window on your Earth plane. We speak to all of you who have stepped out of zombie-land now. We speak to all of you dear brothers and sisters who have bravely woken up to the reality that you have been controlled, and who have chosen to step outside of the box and let go of the chains that have bound you. As you gather together in this accelerated time window (of 11.11.11) now -- at this time which is closer to your ascension than any other date that has been on Gaia: -1. We ask you to group together in circles, following the ancient ways, holding hands in circle; using this method of left-hand-up and right-hand-down that has been seeded into your enlightened circles. So that your heart energy may flow freely through the sacred circle; so that you may be in heart-to-heart connection whether you are with loved ones or strangers -- this brings heart connection onto your gatherings, large or small.2. We ask that you use the way of the talking stick; that you use this method that was seeded into the indigenous societies that were inhabited by Pleiadian and Sirian beings, even in that time. This method allows each one to speak from their heart what it is that you choose on your planet now. We ask that you speak of your desires for the planet in the present tense so that you are jointly manifesting in that moment peace and harmony within the hearts of your brothers and sisters on Gaia; that you are manifesting in that moment unity consciousness -- the actual experience that you are all one, all sentient beings on your blessed planet and all within the universes also.3. We ask that at these gatherings you clear your energy field and make your sacred circles and medicine wheels clear through the use of smudging with the sacred sage and other indigenous herbs. This smoke is used consciously now to clear your energy field instantaneously to set the energy field of your circles; sealing your circles as Archangel Michael would seal your circles with the violet flame - so that you create portals of Light across the globe on this day which have multi-dimensional access from the very core of the galactic centre into the core crystal of Gaia. As you seal your circles in this way -- as you clear your energy fields in this way -- you are creating fifth dimensional space; you are in a fifth dimensional portal with us....FULL TRANSCRIPT & SPANISH TRANSLATION HERE http://www.solara.org.uk/channeling.aspx

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  • and will also add this link, in relation to the 11-11-11 for further reference and study,if one so desires, blessings eve(solaena)   www.galacticfederationoflight.info/
    Galactic Federation of Light Messages From Our Space Family 2012 - A New Beginning
    Galactic Federation of Light Messages - Keeping the world informed on the Truth.
  • this information was released on the date mentioned in message,and was lead to it today,and found it approiate to add it to this thread,blessings eve(solaena)

    Cosmic Energy Shifts affecting our RNA/DNA moving us step closer to a Galactic Human!

    The next key time will be 11.11.11 that can be looked upon as a high point, when some of you will become more psychic and sensitive to the energies around you. For some of you your telepathic abilities will become active, and you will find that you can communicate with both humans and animals. Going into 2012 that will be the year of completion and your personal abilities will grow, and by the time of Ascension you will be ready to take your place as a Galactic Being. - SaLuSa (15th April 2011)

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