11:11:11 Sacred Geometry Meditation

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Channeled message from the Archangel Group Uriel brought to you by Sharon Ta'ab Wuti (Sun Woman). Sacred Geometry Meditation for your Divine Blueprint of Pure Love. Angelic healing music by Paul Lloyd Warner from his Symphony for Humanity CD available at www.waterfallmusic.com. Harmonic light activation with the 11:11:11 frequency. For more information on the DNA Activation, Ascension, Lightwork, Energy Healing, Channeled messages, Sacred Geometry and more, visit www.meetup.com/Lightworkers-Meetup.

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  • It is Time. 11-11-11.  ONE

    First I want to thank you for all the energy and effort you have put on preparing and organizing this beautiful meditation


    Look at the world around you. We have reached a critical point, change is needed urgently.

    This is one of the last chances we have got to bring the World back to a space of unity,  expression, cooperation and peace.

    The importance of 11-11-11 should not be underestimated.
    One is the number of Unity, Unity is what we are.
    1 year, 1 month, and 11 days after 11/11/11 a change of cycles is expected.

    11-11-11 is an opportunity for evolution in human consciousness, we need to get the message out everywhere,  to people from every walk of life, to people from every corner of the World.
    Every person must find their power through stillness and joy, and with your help we are starting to build momentum so people that have not opened their eyes yet can begin to do so.

    It is time to Experience Happiness, Peace and Connection Collectively as a Planet

    For this reason the 11-11-11 site was created, a space where we will join all the positive energy events, efforts and information for this day. The site will be launched on the 11th of this month and I wanted to invite you personally to spread the word.

    At that same time people from all over the World will also be in that sacred inner space, feeling the connection with everything and everyone.

    It is up to us to do this 11-11-11 a Global Event where all humanity finally connects.
    Please refer as many people as you can to the 11-11-11 site so people can realize all the strength we have as a collective

    Please befriend The 11-11-11 Event through Facebook or Twitter so we can stay in touch.

    http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-11-11-11-Event/205561402815190  the facebook fan page
    https://twitter.com/#!/the111111event  Twitter

    again, awsome meditation



  • Awesome. Great work. I loved it very much.
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