20†0 11 2012 - End Of The Illusion - SPIRITUAL AWAKENING - Get Ready For Changes...INTERESTING

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Video MessageTime has come for me to voice once again that which I have been seeing and experiencing for many years. As we are becoming more and more aware of the emergence of a paradigm that many believe has never been yet which is re-emerging, I am asking you to begin to re -- member the reasons you made a choice to incarnate in this time, in this space, in this dimension rather than the limitless other frequencies you could have chosen."In this remembrance, you will claim witness to the appearance in earth of the Angelic Human, yourself, who originally created self as a Guardian of this transmutational age in Planet Earth. And I stress transmutational rather than tranformational. This is a time of change from one state into another rather than a simple change within the same state of being. The Angelic Humans are one aspect of that transmutation. If you are reading this message, be assured, you are an Angelic Human -- one who knows itself as Source in physical form embodying a message that only he or she is able to bring to the earth in this time/space construct."While this may sound utterly fantastic to some, to those who experience it, my awareness comes as an enormous sense of relief when they are able to express how they see life on this planet from their frame of reference. It is no longer the time to remain silent. Now is your time to be, speak and act. As you announce your contribution into the hologram of the emerging paradigm, the transmutation accelerates concretizing its established resonance within your field of consciousness."And so, time has come for me to express my knowing once again and to make a formal calling to all who may feel the nudge that these words stir up within to come forward and make themselves known. It is no longer the future of this awakening. The sacred unfoldment of this planet is literally orchestrated by your knowing and your deeds. You are being asked to make a formal commitment to the manifestation of the longing in your heart; to experience a DNA Heart Activation that interweaves you into a Golden Chain of Light to encircle the earth within Enlightenment."Listen deeply inside to your heart's message. That which it speaks to you is that which will speak through you. Allow this message to well up within you in whatever form it may appear. Be present with it. Feel its call and demonstrate your sacred Essence through your actions and your words. Then, you fulfill the promise of the ages -- to return during this time and space bringing with you a message of remembrance, of enlightenment for the entire human race."Namaste

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Thanks...take care..
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