A great outpouring of Light from Elohim Cyclopea begins on Saint Germain's Ascension Day, May1st

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http://www.Akashaonline.com/ Radiant Rose Academy Inc. Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/AkashaAsun A Great Outpouring of Light begins TODAY May 1st 2012...

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  • once a week my beloved mighty i am presence acting through my higher mental body if u observer a destructive image, thought, feeling happen inside me immediately release a surge of your cosmic blue flames through that and take it out so it doesn't have a chance to register.

  • Very interesting and enlightening--in more ways than one! :-) There was one image in the video, featuring the Empress of Venus and a man--not sure who he was, but the way he was painted portrayed a cosmic power I've sensed in a few human beings I've encountered...and I usually cannot say that too often about my fellow humans. ;-)

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** Biz .....................
** AWWS.............
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